What is the best time to exercise in general?

What are the differences between men and women?

And what time gives the best result for exercising in order to get rid of the rumen?

Morning exercise reduces the rumen in women

A recent American study found that morning exercise reduces belly fat and blood pressure in women, while evening exercise increases muscular performance in women and lowers blood pressure in men.

The study found that women burn more body fat while exercising in the morning, while men do better in the evening.

The study was conducted by researchers led by Dr. Paul Arcero, Professor of Health and Human Physiology at Skidmore College in New York State, and was published in the journal Frontiers in Physiology.

The study tracked people of a healthy weight, but the researchers say the findings could also apply to people who are overweight or obese.

What is the best time to exercise in general?

Exercise is good for you any time you do it, the important thing is that you exercise.

"The best time to exercise is the best time you can do it and it fits into your schedule," says Dr. Arceiro.

But he points out that "something else is going on";

Which may mean that the ideal time of day to exercise differs for women and men.

The reasons for the differences between men and women at the time of getting rid of the rumen

There are several possible causes, such as:

  • Differences in hormones

  • Differences in circadian clock and sleep-wake cycles between the sexes

  • The nature of the body of men and women

However, it's not clear exactly why men and women's responses to exercise timing differ, and the researchers say more research is needed to find out more.

The exercise time examined by the study to get rid of the rumen

The study included 30 men and 26 women, all of whom were active and healthy, aged between 25 and 55 years.

It lasted for 12 weeks and monitored the effects of a varied fitness program, which included stretching, sprinting, resistance and endurance exercises.

One group exercised for an hour before 8:30 am, while the other group continued the same activities in the evening between 18:00 and 20:00.

All participants followed a tailored meal plan.

The rumen, gender and exercise time

Based on the results, women interested in reducing their midsection and lowering their blood pressure should aim to exercise in the morning, says Dr. Arceiro.

This is important because belly fat wraps around the body's internal organs, including the liver, and can be dangerous.

However, he says women who are trying to improve upper body muscle strength as well as their general mood and food intake should do evening exercise.

In contrast, the men were less sensitive to the time of day they exercised, which improves their strength in the morning and evening.

But researchers have found that evening exercise is ideal for men interested in improving heart and metabolic health.

Improving metabolic health means lowering the risk of diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

The rumen and its risks

Belly fat is a common health problem nowadays.

Because of the unhealthy lifestyle, which is improper nutrition, and lack of movement that leads to weight gain and obesity.

Fat usually meets in men at the level of the abdominal area to take a circular shape, and in the past, the "rumen" was a symbol of prosperity, but it became a health burden on the metabolism and a major cause of several diseases.

According to German clinical dietitian Matthias Riedel, belly fat has a "raging" metabolism;

As it secretes hundreds of harmful substances, which cause inflammatory processes.

He added that toxic accumulations can arise in the liver, and in the worst cases, liver failure may occur.

German Professor Matthias Blühr said that when belly fat is accompanied by high blood pressure, high blood sugar and blood fat, doctors call this condition "metabolic syndrome".

He added that a combination of 3 of these four factors raises the risk of a life-threatening heart attack or stroke.

For his part, the German doctor who specializes in urology and reproductive system, Oliver Gralla, says that there is a relationship between weight gain and abdominal fat in men;

And decreased ability to have an erection and have sex in general.

Weight gain is often associated with diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders, and these diseases have a long-term effect on the blood vessels, making them rigid and clogged.

The rumen impairs sexual ability and erection

With regard to sexual ability, arteriosclerosis prevents sufficient blood from reaching the blood vessels connected to the penis, and "this reduces the hardness of the erection," says Dr. Grala.

The biggest danger - according to the German expert - lies in the rumen itself, because the hormones of belly fat are very active, which reduces the levels of testosterone in men, and thus also sexual desire and the ability to have an erection, which is confirmed by a Harvard University study.

It can be known if belly fat is dangerous or not by measuring the circumference of the waist, by placing a tape measure on the middle in the area between the ribs and the pelvic bones.

And it becomes dangerous if the waist size exceeds 102 centimeters in men and 88 centimeters in women.

Misconception about the rumen

Some people think that drinking water - especially during or after food - causes the belly of the drinker to swell and turn into a "rumen", and they blame water because it inflates the stomach and causes it to expand, as if the body is a rubber balloon that swells easily due to drinking water, but this is a very wrong perception, and water It is not a cause of disease, rather it is one of the necessities of life, so drink it with contentment and healing.

First, water does not contain any calories, and therefore when it enters the body it does not give it any energy, and it does not turn into fats that accumulate in the body, which means that water does not lead to obesity or weight gain.

Secondly, with regard to the rumen, the body is not a soft balloon to swell like a watermelon after drinking a glass or two of water, and most likely the reason a person feels bloated after lunch is eating a large amount of food, or suffering from intestinal disorders or health problems that require a doctor’s review.

Tips to get rid of the rumen

  • Weight loss.

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain products.

  • Playing sports.

  • Cut down on fat, sugar, salt, fast food and prepared foods.