The incident occurred on May 12 this year.

A police patrol had a speed control along the E6 at the height of the Maglarps roundabout when a car came driving at 137 kilometers per hour.

The motorist, a Polish man in his 20s, was asked to stop but instead drove on towards Trelleborg, after which a follow-up was started.

The clip above is part of the film that the perpetrator recorded using a windscreen camera.

The film shows, among other things, how the perpetrator drives over vehicles at high speed on single-lane roads, drives towards a red light and forces oncoming vehicles to give way to prevent a collision.

Amphetamine and cannabis in the blood

According to the National Board of Forensic Medicine, the perpetrator had amphetamines and cannabis in his blood at the time of the incident.

On Friday, he was sentenced to 4 months in prison for gross negligence in traffic and gross drunk driving.

During questioning by the police, the perpetrator said “I was panicking and I was scared.

I did not know what to do and therefore I did as I did. ”

He claimed that he did not take drugs before or during the incident, but claimed that he was drugged by some young people in Malmö without his knowledge.

In the preliminary investigation report, one of the police officers on the scene describes the perpetrator as "completely without consequences and indifferent to others, both in other vehicles and pedestrians".

The man's defense lawyer does not want to comment on the verdict at the moment.