Stefan Pettersson, who runs a cottage rental on Nidingen, has passed the reef Lilleland countless times.

But on Saturday, he and the passengers in the boat saw something they would not anticipate.

- I look and see that something is sticking up, on the way there I have time to think so damn much.

"Is it a moose that is injured?"

you do not think it is a walrus, he says.

Not the same walrus that was sighted in Bohuslän

SVT Nyheter Halland called Kennet Lundin, associate professor of marine biology at the Gothenburg Museum of Natural History, who states that it is not the walrus Freja who visited other parts of the west coast earlier this year.

- This is a male.

This is a completely different individual.

One wonders how it can happen, he says.

He is unsure why the walrus is visiting Halland, but already a week ago he received reports of a walrus outside Åsa in Kungsbacka municipality.

Whether it is the same as at Nidingen is unclear, but it is clear that walruses in Halland are rare.

- It was at the end of the 90s last.

Unusual but happens from time to time, says Kennet Lundin.

See Stefan Pettersson meet the walrus in the clip above.