The Communist Party held a rally for the summer elections, and Shii criticized the Kishida administration for abandoning the "exclusive defense" that successive administrations had set as the basic policy of defense policy. However, he emphasized that the revision of Article 9 of the Constitution is absolutely unacceptable.

The Communist Party rally was held at the party headquarters, attended by about 150 people and watched online by party members across the country.

In this, Shii said, "This election of the House of Councilors has an urgent and urgent significance that has never been seen before. Prime Minister Kishida has the ability to attack enemy bases by taking advantage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. However, it throws away the general principle of "exclusive defense" that successive administrations have put up in a twisted manner. "

On top of that, he said, "The revision of Article 9 of the Constitution is to remove all restrictions on promoting such dangerous roads and allow wars abroad to be carried out freely. No, "he emphasized.

After the rally, Shii told reporters that the unification of candidates on the opposition side was limited in the one-person district of the Upper House election, saying, "There are various obstacles and attacks against the opposition party's joint struggle. It is the result of my best efforts. I want to achieve the appropriate results and connect them to the next. "