On Thursday afternoon, Markus Eriksson, who owns the shop in the village, judged that the water was about 20 meters from the property.

He says that they have been a bit taken aback by the high flows.

- There has never been so much water since we bought the store.

But it is still far from the record year 2005, says Marcus Eriksson, Ammarnäs livs and continues:

We had high levels this weekend that started to fall away, so we thought it culminated, but then there was so much rain.

Pumps from the basement

The store has a basement and water leaks in there.

Some distance away along the road has a property that is worse to water all the way to the ground.

- We pump in the basement, but it is not unusual this year and we do not store anything of value down there, says Marcus Eriksson.

SMHI has three warnings issued for high flows in Västerbotten.

These are the Upper Ume River, the Upper Vindel River and the Upper Juktån, where SMHI has issued a yellow warning.