At a press conference, Komeito representative Yamaguchi said that it is necessary to drastically strengthen "investment in people" for the upper house election in the summer, and said that he would focus on realizing sustainable wage increases. rice field.

Among them, Mr. Yamaguchi said, "People's anxiety is increasing due to the prolonged Korona-ka and the soaring prices caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Toward economic growth and expansion of employment and income," Investing in people. I want to drastically strengthen it. "

On that basis, he stated that he would focus on the realization of sustainable wage increases toward the upper house election in the summer.

As specific measures, we set up a "third-party committee" by economists recommended by both labor and management to have them present their wage levels, correct the wage gap between men and women, and raise the minimum wage. ..

Mr. Yamaguchi also expressed his intention to create technological innovations such as telemedicine and autonomous driving by further developing digital infrastructure such as optical fiber and 5G.