All rivers return to the sea

  ——The Centennial Changes of Chinese Youth Political Beliefs

  Climb high and look far, the scenery should be long-term.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China.

For a hundred years, the political beliefs of Chinese youth, as a movement of human understanding, have strengthened each other with the intense social practice in various historical periods. The ideological trajectory of endless and tortuous development.

  In the past 100 years, the changes in the political beliefs of Chinese youth have been like a long winding river, buried under the dust of history, stirred up by the wind and rain of the Chinese nation for a century, setting off magnificent historical waves one by one.

  "History has fully proved that only by always holding high the banner of communism and socialism, the Communist Youth League can form the most solid unity, forge the most effective organization, and always unite the youth under the banner of the party's ideals and beliefs." May 10, 2022 , General Secretary Xi Jinping's strong and powerful voice echoed in the venue to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League. This is not only a summary of historical experience, but also a summary of the main line of political beliefs of Chinese youth over the past century.

  Throughout the century, it is not difficult to find that Marxism and its Sinicization achievements have always been the main channel of development and evolution. The ideological river of Chinese youth, despite various swirling and bifurcations, is always returning and flooding. It will always return to the river, after all, it flows east.

The beacon of truth always stands in the front. As a communist university, the Chinese Communist Youth League cultivates and leads generations of young people, and forges ahead for the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


  On August 22, 1920, at No. 6 Yuyangli, Xiafei Road, Shanghai, eight young people with an average age of about 25 gathered together to form the Shanghai Socialist Youth League.

This is the earliest youth league organization in China.

  This is a "consolidation of doctrines".

Among the eight, six are members of the Communist team, including 21-year-old Yu Xiusong and Shi Cuntong, 30-year-old Li Hanjun, and Chen Wangdao, the translator of the first Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto.

They come from all over the world, with a southern accent and a desire to open up a new world, they set out.

  At this time, the Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto had just been published, and the first 1,000 copies were quickly sold out, and the second edition of 1,000 copies was sold out again.

This booklet with only more than 28,000 Chinese characters has become the ideological starting point for Chinese communists to create miracles of faith.

Chen Wangdao later recalled that the "Communist Manifesto" made young people understand that there is a higher criterion for distinguishing between old and new things, and this higher criterion is Marxism.

  The theoretical system constructed by Marx and Engels is extensive and profound. They abstracted and sublimated their research results on the real world through the organic chain of "philosophy-political economy-scientific socialism", and finally formed a theory about the future world-communism. fundamental point of view.

This theory holds that the communist society is the ultimate realization of human liberation, and human beings are completely freed from the alien forces that dominate their own production and life destiny, and realize the transition from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom.

Communism has accumulated the essence of mankind's pursuit of a better society. It is the fairest, most reasonable, and the most beautiful society in human history, and it is the most lofty social ideal of mankind.

"This theory is like a magnificent sunrise, illuminating the way for mankind to explore the laws of history and seek their own liberation."

  However, communism was still an abstract theoretical model at the time and was not fully realized in reality.

Some people believe because they see, and some people see because they believe.

Although the grand vision of communism has not been seen by the Chinese Communists of all dynasties up to now, they are convinced of its truth and believe that it reflects the inevitability of the laws of historical development. Accept consent", that's the power of faith!

The common belief makes people unite, go forward bravely, follow it with bloodshed, and work hard to achieve it.


  At that time, China needed such a popular belief.

After the Opium War, the "great dream of our country for four thousand years" was broken, and the youths of the May Fourth Movement took up the responsibility of creating peace for all eternity.

The intellectuals who were the first to awaken, with the spirit of being generous and giving up to others, searched for scriptures and inquiries.

Under the great changes unseen in a thousand years, at the time of "re-evaluating all values", all kinds of doctrines are wild and unbridled, and all kinds of theories are agitated.

"Assemblies and associations are like madness, and the name of a political party is like spring grass."

  Early communists all went through a difficult search.

Most of the eight founders of the Shanghai Socialist Youth League had believed in anarchism, and their transformation was profound and dramatic.

As a branch of anarchism, work-study mutual aid advocates that "everyone works, everyone reads, each do his best, and each gets what he needs".

At the beginning of the last century, this kind of utopian thought was not only supported by many educated youths, but also carried out serious experiments.

In December 1919, Wang Guangqi, director of the executive department of the Young China Society, published "New Life in the City" and launched the "Work-study Mutual Aid Group" in Beijing.

Yu Xiusong and Shi Cuntong, students of Zhejiang First Division, who were deeply in the "depression of the student movement", resolutely went north to participate in this experimental activity.

According to memories, the members of the mutual aid group worked half a day and studied for half a day. In order to get rid of all constraints, after they entered the group, they announced that they would leave their families, marriages, and schools, and "absolutely implement communism" in the group.

But three months later, the labor was not enough to make ends meet, internal conflicts intensified, and the mutual aid group had to be disbanded.

This disappointed the enthusiastic Yu Xiusong, "I don't want to be a scholar... I would rather be a revolutionary who is 'reviled by the world'".

  On the way to the south, Yu Xiusong and Shi Cuntong were retained by Chen Duxiu in Shanghai to work in the advanced publication "Zhou Review".

During this period, Yu Xiusong gradually approached Marxism ideologically, and then he "changed his name and changed his clothes" to work at the Housheng Iron Factory. Completed the change of mind.

He profoundly concluded that society must be fundamentally and completely transformed, and partial and superficial social transformation will not work.

He later recalled in his autobiography: "They helped me in many ways to understand Marxism and the revolutionary movement, including the October Revolution. I thought the October Revolution was the only way to liberate mankind from oppression."

  1920 is known as the "Year of the Icebreaker".

This year, the full Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto was published, the Marxist Research Association was established, the communist group was born, and the Socialist Youth League came into being. .

The river of faith that melts the snow into a stream, melts the ice into a river, and runs toward the sea of ​​communism begins from here.


  In August 1920, the Chinese Communist Party was founded in Shanghai, and in the same month, the Shanghai Socialist Youth League was born.

As the former "commander-in-chief of the May 4th Movement", the main founder of the party, Chen Duxiu, is well aware of the important role of youth in promoting the revolutionary movement. Among the four practical tasks for building the party in Shanghai, the third one is about youth work: "A wide range of youth needs to be organized in various forms to engage them in multi-faceted work."

  At this time, Shanghai, because of its specific economic, political, cultural and geographical historical environment, has become the new center of the Chinese revolution.

Around 1920, many enthusiastic young people from all over the country who were aspiring to transform China left their families and schools and gathered in Shanghai.

The Comintern representative Vikingsky, who went to China to assist the founding of the party, based on the experience of the Soviet Youth League organization, "then had a close business with Chen Duxiu", "the first step is to collect left-leaning and revolutionary young people and organize the Socialist Youth League." .

As a result, "for the purpose of social transformation and propaganda", and also for "cultivating and selecting reserve party members", the newly established Communist Party of China founding group assigned its youngest member Yu Xiusong to be responsible for the formation of the Socialist Youth League.

  The old and new Yuyangli are only 100 meters apart.

Back then, a group of like-minded "new youths" traveled between the two places. Chen Duxiu and Chen Wangdao would go to classes, and young people often came to discuss issues.

Yuyangli, the original place of Chinese communism, gave birth to the party and the regiment on the other.

This trail between the two places is also known as the "Marxist Trail".

  "When the Youth League was established, all the Communist Party members, regardless of age, participated. Chen Duxiu and Li Da also participated," Shi Cuntong once recalled. For a long time, "many of the party's activities appeared in the name of the league." , because "the organization of the Communist Party was secret at the time, and the Youth League was semi-open", everyone called the Party the school and the Youth League the pre-school.

This formed the special origin of the regiment as a party assistant and reserve army.

In June 1921, Yu Xiusong stated when he attended the Second Congress of the Youth Communist International: "The Socialist Youth League closely cooperates with the work of the Communist Party, obeys the Party and works with the Party among the workers and soldiers" "We hope to stand side by side with the old comrades and teachers. Together, under the direct leadership of the Young Communist International, we will lead the suffering China of hundreds of millions of people to a happy and joyful communist system."

  In July 1921, the Communist Party of China was formally established.

The National Congress of the Communist Party of China studied the restoration and establishment of the Socialist Youth League as the party's preparatory school in various places.

In November, Chen Duxiu, Secretary of the Central Bureau, issued the "Notice of the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China" requiring that party organizations in all localities should pay attention to the youth movement and "promptly follow the new rules" for youth league organizations. More than 2,000 members before."

  Younger parties create younger regiments.

On May 5, 1922, the first National Congress of the Chinese Socialist Youth League was held in Guangzhou.

This day is also the 104th anniversary of Marx's birth.

Chen Duxiu made a report at the meeting and pointed out: "There are two conferences today, one is the Marx Memorial Conference and the other is the founding conference of the Chinese Socialist Youth League. These two conferences are closely related. Where is the relationship? Because socialism The Youth League was founded on the basis of Marx’s teachings.”

Dallin, a representative of the Young Communist International, added that this "underscores the direction of the regiment's development".

  The First Youth League passed the "Program of the Socialist Youth League of China", and determined that the Youth League was "the organization of the Chinese proletariat", and its ultimate goal was to establish in China "the initial stage when all production tools are brought into public ownership and free food is prohibited." communist society".

As a mission-oriented political organization that believes in Marxism, the establishment of the China Socialist Youth League has opened a new chapter in the youth movement under the leadership of the party.


  Only when you gather the sun can you create flames, and when you gather your fingers, you can form a fist.

It is not easy for a political organization to follow a unified common belief.

From the establishment of the early youth league organization to the official convening of the first major of the youth league, it has experienced the process of reconfirmation of Marxism by revolutionary youth.

  The early Youth League was only "with a socialist inclination, and did not determine which school of socialism", and the socialist school was very complex at that time.

"There are also Marxists, there are anarchists, there are also Guild Socialists, there are also syndicalists, and there are also inexplicable", so "the opinions are often inconsistent and conflict with each other".

  Among the many political schools under the banner of socialism, anarchism is the most in need of analysis and identification.

As the most influential "ism" at the beginning of the last century, anarchism once shared the same path with Marxism, many anarchists once joined the communist group, and many early Marxists were born out of anarchists.

However, with the deepening of the revolution, the two major trends of thought gradually parted ways, and even openly debated.

  There are many ideological differences between Marxism and anarchism, and the most important conflict is whether to agree with the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Anarchism opposes all organizations and powers, especially national governments. They paint a wonderful vision of sharing indiscriminate communism, but do not propose a feasible path to achieve it.

On the other hand, Marxists believe that, before reaching a communist society, it is necessary to establish a strict political party, violently seize power, and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat to consolidate and develop their own cause and achieve all the conditions required for an ideal society.

This serious disagreement reached its peak in the 1920 caucus formation period.

  The ambiguity of belief causes the disorganization of the organization.

In the spring of 1921, as the initial enthusiasm dissipated, the socialist youth leagues in many places lost their vitality, and the activities of the national youth leagues gradually came to a standstill.

  Guangzhou, another city with an early development of modern economy and culture, has also gone through the process of identifying anarchism.

In the autumn of 1920, Minor and Beslin, representatives of the Far East Bureau of the Comintern, went to Guangzhou to form the "Guangdong Communist Party", but the nine people who participated in this organization, except two Russians, seven Chinese were anarchists.

After that, the Youth Mutual Aid League led by the anarchists Qu Shengbai and Huang Lingshuang was merged into the Guangzhou Socialist Youth League, which made the Guangzhou Youth League more complicated and chaotic.

At the end of that year, Chen Duxiu arrived in Guangdong, witnessed the situation at that time, and "had a very heated argument" with the anarchists.

Forced by the resolute struggle of Chen Duxiu and others, in March 1921, the anarchists collectively withdrew from the Guangzhou Youth League.

  In response to the problem of the Youth League, the Central Bureau of the Communist Party of China dispatched Zhang Tailei to be responsible for rectifying and restoring the Youth League according to the instructions of the Youth Communist International.

  Lift the net to the outline, a thousand eyes are open.

The first step in Zhang Tailei's rectification work was to "determine the Socialist Youth League as a group that believes in Marxism". Those who disagreed leave and those who stay followed.

With the unity of faith, there is spiritual cohesion, and the youth league organization soon regained its vitality.

By May 1922, 18 cities across the country had established regiments with more than 5,000 members.

The situation in Guangzhou was better. On March 14 of that year, the day of Marx's death, the Guangdong Socialist Youth League held an inaugural meeting of more than 3,000 people.

This created the conditions for the convening of the first major of the regiment.

  In the second fifty years after the founding of Marxism, an opportunistic trend of thought that tampered with the basic principles of Marxism gradually rose.

In Europe at that time, the Socialist Youth League had become the name of the youth organization under the leadership of the revisionists of the Second International, and this name was "inappropriate" for the Chinese communist movement.

  On January 26, 1925, the Third Youth League was successfully held, and an important decision was made at the meeting, which was to change the name to "Chinese Communist Youth League".

To be brave enough to name it "Communism" is a serious affirmation of faith.

The "Manifesto" issued by the meeting said boldly: "We need not hide our proposition that we represent the interests of the proletariat. Communism is the most terrible term for imperialism, warlords and all counter-revolutionaries. We should be brave enough to reveal our communism. the true face of the victims, making them tremble in front of us."


  Lenin once said that religious beliefs are nothing but delicate fruitless flowers.

As the "truth in the world", communist belief not only originates from reality, but also guides reality, thus producing reality. It is an objective reality process.

  After the convening of the National League Congress, under the leadership of the party, the regimental organizations all over the country participated in a series of revolutionary movements of workers and peasants.

Due to the special national conditions of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, at the beginning of the establishment of the party group, the revolutionary work was mostly carried out with students as the center, and the composition of the members was mostly students. Secondary school students".

However, with the deepening of the revolution, the excessively high proportion of student members restricted the mission and ability of the regiment.

Zhang Tailei said: "The Youth League was almost completely a 'student group' in the past." Deng Zhongxia pointed out clearly: "The important reason why the Chinese revolution is weak and cannot be completed is that the main force of the revolution is the workers, peasants and soldiers. These three masses have not yet been awakened and organized. In other words, our youth only shouted in articles and telegrams, and did not go to these three masses to do propaganda and organization." From the very beginning, the Youth League actively advocated "going to the people" and mobilized more young workers and peasants to participate in the revolutionary movement.

  With the vigorous revolutionary process, the ranks of people who believe in communism continue to expand.

After the victory of the workers' strike in Anyuan, Anyuan has more than 100 members in total, becoming one of the first areas to establish a local Youth League committee.

Within a year, Hunan "expanded the number of local regiments to eleven, and almost no counties had no comrades."

After the May 30th Movement, the number of members nationwide increased from more than 2,400 in January 1925 to more than 9,000 in September.

In May 1927, on the eve of the Fourth Youth League Congress, the number of members soared to more than 37,600.

  However, after the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup in 1927, the momentum of the rapid expansion of the communist belief was reversed.

As Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Jingwei defected to the revolution successively, the Chinese revolution suffered heavy losses. From March 1927 to the first half of 1928, more than 310,000 people across the country were killed by the KMT reactionaries, including more than 26,000 Communist Party members.

The number of party members has been reduced from nearly 60,000 in the Fifth Five-year period to more than 10,000, and the number of League members has dropped from 55,000 to more than 10,000.

  History is merciful and ruthless, and it weeds out speculators and cowards in the harshest way.

Not all the communists who were initially listed were able to hold fast to their beliefs. In desperation, Shi Cuntong wrote "Confessions of Sorrow" and announced that they had left the party.

Shen Xuanlu not only defected to the arms of the Kuomintang reactionaries, but also acted as a vicious executioner in the massacre.

  History is ruthless and affectionate, and more communists have always adhered to their beliefs and have been tempered by blood and fire.

Ye Tiandi, one of the founders of the Shanghai Socialist Youth League, wrote a death letter after he was arrested and imprisoned, in which he wrote: "A man who is not strong enough to live, what a pity for death, the blood of martyrs, the flower of doctrine. "I never want to live on my knees, I would rather die standing!" Five days later, Ye Tiandi was carried to the execution ground. At the last moment of his life, he held up his almost paralyzed body, raised his chest, and shouted with his head held high. : "Long live the Chinese Communist Party!"

  The wind is strong and the grass is strong, and the fire is real gold.

Great faith has created amazing tenacity and tenacity. From August 1927 to July 1928, the number of Communist Youth League members increased from 15,000 to 75,000 in less than a year.


  In the violent political ups and downs, as one of the organizational carriers of the communist belief, the Chinese Communist Youth League has also withstood the test, completed a profound self-reform, successively corrected the erroneous tendencies such as liquidationism and avant-garde, and clarified its own functional positioning. Become a purely proletarian advanced youth organization.

  The Fourth National Congress of the Communist Party of China passed the "Resolution on the Youth Movement", which stated: "The youth movement is an important part of the communist movement. Because the Communist Party is the general commander of this general communist movement, the youth movement must be under the guidance of the Communist Party. Undoubtedly." This clearly illustrates the caucus relationship.

After that, the 5th CPC National Congress passed the Resolution on Political Situation and the Party's Tasks, which further pointed out: "The Communist Youth League is the most important part of the communist movement, and the Communist Youth League is a canal. To the broad masses of hard-working young people." Shortly after the meeting, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee passed the "Resolution on the Third Amendment to the Constitution of the Communist Party of China", with a special chapter on "Relationship with the Youth League", which started the tradition of writing the relationship between the party and the league into the party constitution. .

  The four major groups, which were held successively with the five major groups of the party, adopted the "Declaration of the Conference" solemnly declared: "During the two years of struggle, the congress has firmly determined that this group is a revolutionary organization of proletarian youth. It should be under the leadership of the party, Attract the broad masses of working youth to revolutionary struggles, and at the same time develop their communist spirit in these struggles."

  As the party further clarifies its relationship with the Communist Youth League, the assistants of the Communist Youth League and the reserve army play a more full role, and the pace of keeping up with the party is more solid and firm.

At the critical juncture of the failure of the Great Revolution, the Party Central Committee held the "August 7th" meeting to determine the general policy of the agrarian revolution and armed resistance against the Kuomintang reactionaries. Follow the party on a revolutionary path centered on agrarian revolution and opposition to the new warlords.

  At that time, Chinese farmers accounted for more than 80% of the country's total population.

Comrade Mao Zedong once pointed out: "Whoever wins the peasants will win China, and whoever solves the land problem will win the peasants." Revolutionary education has become the main work of the Communist Youth League in the Soviet area.

Ren Bishi, the head of the Youth League Central Committee at that time, once said: "Our group is an educational institution, not comparable to a political party." In the Soviet area, the new world created by the party, as young farmers continued to join, the Communist Youth League organization also continued to grow. By October 1930 In January, the number of members in the base area grew to 100,000, and the spark of communist belief quickly ignited a prairie fire.


  The long river of modern political thought, which stretches for a hundred years, sometimes empties thousands of miles, and sometimes turns back and forth.

After the September 18th Incident in 1931, the Chinese youth movement encountered new circumstances and faced severe tests.

  At this time, the Japanese aggressors stepped on the Chinese soil, and the national contradiction between China and Japan became the main contradiction. Uniting all the anti-Japanese forces to fight the aggressors became the top priority.

In response to the call of the Party Central Committee, on December 20, 1935, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the "Declaration to the Students of All Schools and Young Compatriots from All Circles in the Country for Resisting Japanese Aggression and Saving the Nation", proposing that "all patriotic young people, those who believe in communism or those who do not believe in communism. Also, as long as you are willing to resist Japan and save the country, you can join our Youth League for Anti-Japanese and National Salvation.”

In November 1936, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Youth Work", which formally proposed: "The Communist Youth League and its organizational form should be fundamentally transformed, and the Youth League should be transformed into a form of non-Party youth organization for the masses, to attract young people to participate. The national united front to resist Japan and save the nation." On April 12, 1937, under the direct leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Northwest Youth National Salvation Federation held its first congress.

After the meeting, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League stopped working, and the local Communist Youth League organizations also stopped their activities one after another.

  The change in the form of youth organizations does not mean that the party has weakened the political work of youth.

In the revolutionary base areas, the flame of communist beliefs became even more intense, and Yan'an became the "red holy land" that countless advanced young people yearned for.

  Just ask who is in charge of Kyushu, and everyone is watching Qingliang Mountain.

In 1938 alone, more than 10,000 young people were allowed to go to Yan'an from the Xi'an Office of the Eighth Route Army.

By the early 1940s, Yan'an had formed an intellectual group of about 40,000 people, of which more than 70% had a junior high school education or above, and nearly 20% of them had a higher education.

  At that time, Edward, the captain of the Indian medical team in China, looked at the team that appeared and disappeared on the winding mountain road, and said sincerely: "A miracle, a miracle, this is a miracle! This is China's Jerusalem in the 20th century!"

  Around Yan'an, a small town with a population of over 60,000, the Communist Party of China has established more than 30 cadre schools, making Yan'an a veritable "university town".

What to study in Yan'an?

Mao Zedong's answer was "First of all, learn a political direction."

Zhu De said to the practitioners: "If the Chinese youth wants to advance but not retreat, and if the Chinese youth wants to stay out of the laggards in the long-term struggle, then he must take this unique road. The road of communism is the guiding monument for the youth. ."

  The central leaders at that time all gave lectures at the school.

Chen Yun once said in class that when every party member took the oath to join the party, he expressed his willingness to fight to the end for the cause of communism. What does "in the end" mean?

In the words of the Shanghai people, it is "braided".

  In 1938, when Wu Yinxian, a well-known photographer in Shanghai, went to Yan'an to shoot a documentary about the life of the Eighth Route Army, he said: "I am not a Communist Party, and I don't want to become red. I will come back after the filming, and no one will want to detain me." After the filming was over, Wu Yinxian voluntarily requested to stay and handed in an application for joining the party.

  Statistics show that at the beginning of the fourth term of the Anti-Japanese University, there were 530 party members among the 4,655 educated youths. By the time of graduation, the number of party members among them had increased to 3,304, accounting for 71%.

Less than two years after the establishment of North Shaanxi Public School, more than 3,000 new party members were developed among the more than 6,000 students.

  Revolutionary forging must first infuse political beliefs, and secondly integrate the masses of workers and peasants.

In 1939, on the 20th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, Mao Zedong delivered his famous speech "The Direction of the Youth Movement".

He believed that the nation's educated youth and student youth must unite with the broad masses of workers and peasants and become one with them in order to form a powerful army.

"The direction of the youth movement in Yan'an is the direction of the national youth movement."

  Yan'an, the melting pot of the revolution, has forged young people with different experiences into communists with strong spirit and firm beliefs, including Feng Yuxiang's nephew, Yuan Shikai's grandson, and Zhang Xueliang's younger brother.


  The theoretical form of Chinese communist belief is the result of Marxism and its sinicization.

"Where history begins, the process of thought should also begin".

After entering China, Marxism has been continuously integrated with China's reality, constantly being sinicized and modernized. Mao Zedong Thought is the first historic leap in the sinicization of Marxism and has become an important era form of communist belief.

  "On New Democracy" is regarded as a symbol of Mao Zedong Thought's maturity.

The theoretical contributions of this important work are, firstly, pointing out the development path of the Chinese revolution;

"With regard to the proposition of the social system, the Communist Party has two parts: the present program and the future program, or the minimum program and the maximum program. In the present, new democracy, and in the future, socialism, these are two parts, and Guided by the entire communist ideology."

  When the Anti-Japanese War was about to be won, history came to a critical juncture, which is to choose what kind of country to build, which will lead to different ultimate goals, "is it to build a new democratic country led by the proletariat and the masses of the people? Or build a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country under the dictatorship of the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie? This will be a very complicated struggle.”

  At the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong pointed out in his opening speech that China is facing a struggle between two futures and two destinies. and dark destiny.

  The struggle between the two futures and destiny is, in essence, a struggle between two political ideologies.

Political beliefs centered on Mao Zedong's ideological system, especially the theoretical system of new-democratic revolution with the goal of establishing the people's democratic dictatorship regime, with its continuous development and improvement and successive victories in military struggles, have become popular among more and more young people. Support and follow.

The political beliefs of the rightists of the Kuomintang, because of their corrupt rule and increasingly distant from the ideal of Sun Yat-sen's "Three Principles of the People", were constantly abandoned by young people who had hoped for it, and gradually slipped into a low ebb.

By the time the war of liberation began, the victory and defeat had already been decided by people's hearts and backs, and once it started, it was overwhelming.

  The upsurge of communist belief has led to the emergence of a large number of advanced activists among the youth, who are eager to make progress, but only 40,000 to 50,000 young people can be absorbed into the party.

At this time, the Youth Rescue Association, with its weak political attributes, could no longer bear the responsibility of organizing and mobilizing the youth, and most of them were in a stagnant state, and the work of rebuilding the Communist Youth League was put on the agenda.

  After careful research and experimentation, on the eve of national liberation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to establish the China New Democracy Youth League across the country. The mass organization of the advanced young people who are fighting for the new democracy is the core of the Party to unite and lead the young masses, and it is the school for the Party to educate the youth with Marxism-Leninism.”

On April 11, 1949, the first National Congress of the Chinese New Democratic Youth League was held in Peiping, which had just been liberated.


  In October 1949, New China was established, the Communist Party of China became the ruling party, Marxism became the mainstream political thought, and communist belief became the dominant political belief.

The situation in Kyushu gathers here, and thousands of streams flow side by side here!

  The founding of the new China is different from any previous dynasty change. The general regime change cannot summarize this extensive and profound social change. We must wash away all the muddy water left over from the old era and establish a brand-new people's democratic republic.

The strong contrast between the old and the new society first aroused the sharp-minded young people who took the lead in consolidating the new regime and building a new society. Whether it was resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, land reform, or promoting the marriage law, the young people responded positively and enthusiastically as the masters. , played an important pioneering role.

  Youth transforms society, and society shapes youth.

The newly rebuilt China Youth League has vigorously promoted this kind of formation. The league organizations at all levels have carried out a variety of activities. In particular, they have followed the party's pace and carried out the study of Mao Zedong's works and communist ideological and moral education campaigns. The socialist ideological education was carried out among the elements and young students, so that the Marxist beliefs were rapidly popularized among the youth.

By the end of 1952, the number of League members nationwide had soared from 190,000 at the beginning of 1949 to 8.5 million, accounting for more than 7% of the national youth population.

  In 1952, the Soviet writer Ostrovsky's "How Steel Is Tempered" was published in China. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League took it as a "handbook" for cultivating "new socialist people" and recommended it to young people across the country.

The protagonist Paul Korchagin's communist outlook on life deeply touched Chinese youth, making it go beyond literary creation and become the "collective memory" of a generation.

At that time, the national party organizations and classes were named after "Paul Korchagin", and a large number of "Chinese Pauls" emerged from all walks of life in New China.

  Strong faith erupts with great energy.

Three years after the founding of New China, the old mountains and rivers that had been devastated were basically "cleaned up".

In September 1953, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to start the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce. At the meeting, Mao Zedong proposed to basically complete the transition to socialism in 10 to 15 years. However, the production relations are so profound. The drastic revolutionary adjustment finally took less than 4 years.

  As the primary form of communism, once the socialist economic system was established, it immediately showed a huge liberation of the productive forces.

At the end of 1957, most of the targets of the "First Five-Year Plan" were exceeded. A large number of basic industrial sectors that were not available in old China were established one by one, and 595 large and medium-sized projects were completed and put into operation, filling many gaps in heavy industry construction.

Industrialization has advanced by leaps and bounds, and the achievements far exceed the 100 years of old China.



































































  It's not easy to break through the level, who is it for me to run away?


We reply with a passage from Li Dazhao, a pioneer of the Chinese communist movement: "Our Yangtze River and Yellow River can represent our national spirit. When the Yangtze River and Yellow River meet deserts and mountain gorges, they flow forward in a mighty manner to make them turbid. The flow is rolling, and the momentum is pouring down thousands of miles. How can the current difficult realm hinder the progress of our nation's life. We should show a vigorous spirit, sing the tune of progress, and walk through this rough and tragic song in this tragic song perilous road."

  Young people, our mission is to struggle!

  Zhong Qingping Source: China Youth Daily