China News Service, Beijing, May 28 (Zhang Yilin) ​​"Everything is difficult at the beginning, except that hair loss is easy." Contemporary young people have an unspeakable secret - hair loss, many people sigh with emotion: every morning when they wake up, their hair is on the pillow, on the floor, on the comb On... just not on the head.

  May 28 is the National Love Hair Day, "528" homophonic "I love hair".

How to stay away from hair loss and keep your hair healthy?

Hong Kong actor and "aunt" Li Ruotong, director of the dermatology department of Beijing Haidian Hospital, chief physician Zheng Xu, star stylist and news editor talked about hair in the "Medical Line Observation" column of

"Medical Line Observation" program scene

"Aunt" Li Ruotong's Hair Care Cheats

  In life, to have beautiful hair, maintenance is essential.

Actor Li Ruotong, she can be called a "rich man".

"Aunt" not only can exercise, but also has her own set of methods for hair care.

  Li Ruotong shared three tips for "saving the hairline":

  When the hair is tied up, try to reduce the pressure on the scalp and hair roots;

  Minimize the time you spend tying your hair and take every opportunity to relax your hair;

  When blowing hair, especially when blowing bangs, blow it forward instead of backward.

Teacher Tony's Aesthetic Confusion

  Many public figures, celebrities or professionals have to perm or style their hair for a long time due to work or other reasons.

  Celebrity stylist Sun Xinyi also has some confusion in hair care and hair care when she does styling daily.

From a scientific point of view, how to balance the relationship between beauty and health?

  Zheng Xu, director and chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Beijing Haidian Hospital, said that the nutrition of the scalp is better, and there must be more room for stylists to play.

  The doctor suggested that the hair spray, elastin, etc. sprayed by the stylist during the styling design will cause the hair to be oily or easily absorb dust. Therefore, the cleaning of the hair is very important.

  At the same time, Mr. Tony also shared with us some tips on daily hair care for people with hair loss or friends with soft hair.

For example, blowing against the roots when blow-drying your hair, or using a product such as sea salt to make your hair more dry will make it look more voluminous.

Figure out, is "hair loss" the same as "hair loss"?

  Every time you wash your hair, it's like a calamity. This is the inner monologue of many young people.

After washing their hair and facing a pile of hair on the floor, many people fell into contemplation: is it the season of "hair shedding"?

  In fact, hair growth is indeed cyclical.

According to the doctor, our hair is generally divided into a growth phase, a regression phase and a resting phase.

Among them, 90% of the hair is in the growing phase, but 8% of the hair is in the resting phase.

After the telogen phase, the hair will gradually fall off, and the hair follicle will enter the next cycle to grow new hair.

  A normal person has about 100,000 hairs, and under normal circumstances, 60-100 hairs will fall out every day, so even with healthy hair, about 100 hairs will fall out every day, which is a normal phenomenon.

  Zheng Xu introduced that there is a small experiment to quickly determine whether you have hair loss: keep your hair unwashed for 3-5 days, gently pinch 40-60 hairs from the root with your thumb, index finger and middle finger, and follow the direction of the hair tip If the hair loss is less than 6, it belongs to normal physiological hair loss.

  "If more than 6 strands of hair are pulled down, there is active alopecia and it should be taken seriously."

Zheng Xu, director and chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Beijing Haidian Hospital, was interviewed by


Why do you lose your hair at a young age?

  The "M-shaped" forehead, the thinning of hair on the top of the head, and the "Mediterranean" hair loss... When it comes to hair loss, we naturally focus on men with these characteristics.

  According to the doctor, this is the most common type of hair loss. Clinically, 90% of hair loss is "androgenetic alopecia", which occurs mostly in men. The cause is genetically related.

  But in the army of hair loss, women are also "not far behind".

Androgenetic alopecia is more common in men, but also occurs in 6% of women. Women generally show that the front hairline is still there, but the hair on the top of the head is thinning.

  Zheng Xu said that hair loss is related to heredity, endocrine, infection, autoimmunity, mental factors and nutritional status.

  For example, the so-called "ghost shaving" is a sudden localized hair loss, mostly caused by mental stress and immune abnormalities, and often occurs after overwork, lack of sleep or mental stimulation.

But alopecia areata can grow back quickly after regular treatment.

  In addition, some women lose their hair about 2-5 months after giving birth. This is a common type of telogen effluvium. It is a normal physiological phenomenon and there is no need to worry too much.

  Nowadays, many people lose weight due to improper dieting and malnutrition. Hair loss also belongs to this type.

So if you lose weight too much, don't blame the hair for the "hairline warning"!

Don't want to be "smart"?

Open the Hair Rescue Program now!

  Faced with the foreseeable "bald" future, young people's various health secrets take turns: the shopping cart is hair growth and anti-hair loss shampoo, the ginger slices are smeared on the head, and the cup is black sesame paste. Hair transplant saves money... but it is still difficult to save the trend of receding hairline.

  According to the doctor, the survival rate of hair transplantation is about 60-90%, and it is necessary to ensure that there are enough hair follicles and a healthy scalp in the hair donor area.

After the hair transplant, you also need to pay attention to diet, living rules, and maintenance, otherwise the hair transplant will fall off.

  In addition, a rich diet and food diversification are very important. You can eat more foods containing black sesame seeds and walnuts, but eating black sesame seeds alone is not effective, and the remedies for applying ginger are not reliable.

  Pay attention to a regular life, reduce staying up late, keep your mood comfortable, and relieve mental stress appropriately. These are all factors that affect hair loss.

  If you want to restore your old hair, you need to go to a regular hospital dermatologist for diagnosis and evaluation. When you find that the hair starts to fall out abnormally, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible.

  In the face of the unexpected accident of "baldness", brothers and sisters, don't take the wrong path of "ineffectiveness and prevention".

Data map.

Image source: Visual China

The "black pot" of hair loss, wash your hair without back!

  After talking about the hair itself, let's take a look at the shampoo that often deals with hair.

Many people are going to roar: If you are going to be bald, where can you wash your hair?


  In fact, Zheng Xu said that shampooing is the easiest way to maintain hair, and there is no relationship between shampooing and hair loss.

  How often should I wash my hair?

It is a problem of the century that has plagued many people.

According to the doctor, people who are prone to oil can wash once every 1-2 days.

For those with less scalp seborrheic secretions, you can wash it every 3-4 days, which varies from person to person.

  In addition, there are also some tips for shampooing: first, wash your hair with warm water to thoroughly wet your hair. After getting wet, rub the shampoo on your hands according to the amount of hair, and apply it evenly on the scalp. Be careful not to use your nails. Massage gently with your fingertips.

After massaging for 2-3 minutes, the hair is thoroughly cleansed and can be rinsed off.

  When using a hair dryer, do not blow the scalp with too high temperature. You can use cold air or constant temperature air to gently blow it until it is 70 to 80 percent dry.
