Social media pioneers circulated a video clip showing Ukrainian activists burning the UAE flag in front of its embassy in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

The video shows a number of activists in front of the Emirati embassy building, burning the UAE flag and pictures of Russian President Vladimir Putin, in protest of Abu Dhabi's supportive stance against the Russian invasion of their country.

Українськр червонл вовки та члени Союзу Свобода вдерлисл до посольства оае в брюссел та Спалили їхній прапор на знак протестуиририририририририририририририририримимимимимимимимимимимимимимоіїоіїоіїрray

Попереду більше #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #RussianArmy @KyivPost @KyivIndependent @Kyiv

— Українські Герої – Ukrainian Heroes (@Ukrainedefence1) May 26, 2022

A few days ago, Ukrainian activists burned the UAE flag in front of its embassy in the French capital, Paris.

Devant l'ambassade des Emirats arabes unis en solidarité avec l'ukraine

— Jamsheid (@Jamsheid15) May 23, 2022

Dozens of Ukrainian refugees and pro-Ukrainians had demonstrated in early May in front of the European Union headquarters in Brussels, calling for the UAE to be punished for what they described as Abu Dhabi's support for Moscow in its war on Ukraine and the provision of safe haven to businessmen close to Putin.