Yarra Valley Dairy, an Australian cheese producer, has been worried by health authorities for "unreasonable odors" in Yering, northeast of Melbourne (Australia).

He will have to pay a fine of 9,087 Australian dollars, or just over 6,000 euros.

A smell of “acid milk with earthy characteristics” is reproached to him, according to the British daily newspaper

The Guardian

, relayed by



The producer would not have complied with local legislation on the treatment of waste and odors coming out of the factories.

The Australian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has therefore drawn up a report against him.

The agency would have judged the remugle sufficiently "unreasonable" to disturb the tranquility of local residents.

Wastewater treatment non-compliance

According to the EPA, the measures taken by Yarra Valley Dairy were insufficient.

“After a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) challenged our first decision, we issued a new notice in October.

But when the EPA agents went there in December, the smell was quite strong and caused some discomfort when facing the wind,” explained the director of the local agency.

Wastewater treatment does not meet the standards needed to prevent objectionable odors, the EPA report said.


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  • Cheese

  • Australia

  • Fine

  • Environment

  • World