Dear reader, Anyone who regularly reads our F+ Newsletter on Saturday mornings will also find out what interests all readers the most week after week.

Because the pieces that we refer to separately here are among the texts that have received the greatest attention in the past few days.

This often involves the question of which mistakes can be avoided when it comes to investing, but also about difficulties in the partnership - and how to overcome them.

To be honest, even for a journalist it is a little surprising that there are few exceptions to this rule.

That's why we try again and again to show pieces that may have been wrongly overlooked.

But on this long bridging day weekend for many, I suspect

that the family circle talks about money and questions of togetherness

, which is why it can once again be our text "hit parade".

Incidentally, our finance expert Volker Looman perfectly combines both topics, his pieces could be mentioned here as standard.

Carsten Knop


  • Follow I follow

But today, let's take things separately and start with partnership issues.

My colleague Katrin Hummel talked to couples therapist Ankha Haucke about nine problems that almost everyone knows from their relationship

– and she reveals how you can help yourself.

For example, when it comes to intimacy, many couples find it difficult to say, "I want that and I don't want that.

I think that's nice and that's not.” But you can work on that.

Because intimacy “also means that I can show myself as I am.

And not a facade from me.

So you should ask yourself: what do I need to make me want to have sex with the other person?

When was I ever able to show myself unconditionally as I am?” If one person is often less interested than the other, then one has to accept it.

But sexuality is usually a mirror of the relationship situation: "So you often don't have to work directly on sexuality, but on the relationship".

And now for the money.

Dennis Kremer spoke to Marty Flanagan, head of the investment company Invesco.

The timing was good in that the stock markets are currently very restless.

The anxious question is therefore right at the beginning:

was that the end of the share upswing for the time being?

But Flanagan reassured: “Anyone who wants to make more out of their money, for example to provide for their old age, has no alternative to the stock market in the long run.

All studies show that: in the long term, prices keep going up.

You just have to be able to withstand the intermittent fluctuations.

When prices fall, the hardest hit are always the people who decide to sell their stocks at the bottom and never come back.

It will destroy your wealth, there is no easier way.” If you want to do something more to calm your nerves, you can find the full text here.

It also states what you currently have to consider with the ETFs that are so popular.

And another money issue:

With the rise in interest rates, the real estate business is becoming more difficult.

Due to the lack of labor and materials, new buildings are becoming increasingly expensive.

Our real estate expert Michael Psotta is convinced that there are no major, long-term crises in sight.

But the environment is changing:

Although house prices are still rising at the moment.

But that is probably also related to the fact that many builders and homebuyers still want to secure reasonably cheap financing before the increased interest rates have a full impact on mortgage lending.

It is foreseeable that demand will soon decrease.

The construction costs are currently exploding due to the lack of workers and building materials such as wood or steel.

This not only makes new construction more expensive, but also the renovation of older apartments.

In addition, building land is becoming increasingly scarce and expensive.

These are not the ingredients for a price drop.

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If you have any questions about F+, please write to me:, best regards and have a nice weekend,

Yours sincerely, Carsten Knop


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