Occupied Jerusalem

- In the context of the so-called new wars and the decline of conventional military wars, the battle over consciousness is raging between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in a heated battle that has escalated since last year, according to a report by the Institute for National Security Research at Tel Aviv University.

The Institute’s estimates were not limited to the decline in the Israeli performance in the battle of the novel, but also the superiority achieved by Hamas and the rest of the factions since the gift of dignity in May of last year, and the battle of “Sword of Jerusalem”, which was a milestone in the battle over awareness between Israel and Hamas, which succeeded in Moving the masses and conveying messages that fit its strategy to the Palestinians.

Palestinian researchers unanimously agreed that the assessments of the Israeli Research Center regarding the battle over consciousness indicate an unprecedented escalation in this field, with the decline of the Israeli narrative in the world, in contrast to the emergence of the Palestinian narrative and the achievements of Hamas and the Palestinian factions in a battle over awareness and the effects they have achieved at the local, regional and even global levels. .

Shalhat: The battle of awareness will escalate in the near future, with its repercussions on Israel (Al-Jazeera)

exacerbation and exacerbation

On the basis of these changes and transformations, the researcher in Israeli affairs, Antoine Shalhat, says, "The features of the battle of awareness began a long time ago, but it intensified in the last year, which made Israel attach it the utmost importance, as the report of the Institute for National Security Research confirms that the talk is about a strategic battle that escalated and reached Its climax is in the case of the assassination of the martyr journalist Sherine Abu Akleh.

The researcher in Israeli affairs explained to Al Jazeera Net that the assassination of Abu Aqila embodies the best picture of the battle of awareness between Israel and the Palestinian factions globally, as Israel suffered a heavy defeat in front of Western public opinion and the international community, which was often biased towards the Israeli narrative, even if it was in general solidarity and sympathy with the issue Palestinian.

He believes that the Israeli Institute's report comes at a milestone, noting that the battle of awareness will escalate in the near future and will have many repercussions on Israel, in connection with regional and global transformations. The future will bring more achievements and victories to this battle than the battles of armies and traditional military campaigns.

crisis and deterrence

The researcher in the Israeli affairs explained that Hamas, the representative of the resistance, achieved successes through the battle over awareness, and this was translated into practice after the battle of the "Sword of Jerusalem", as it strengthened deterrence towards Israel, which before that was free and fun and did not work for anyone in the file of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

Shalhat pointed out that Israel persists in its aggression in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa without deterrence, but the recent period has witnessed a deterrent in Israeli behavior even when talking about organizing the "flags march", as the Israeli government stresses that the march will not enter Al-Aqsa Mosque, in reference to the effectiveness of deterring the resistance and that Israel fears escalation.

He noted that a reading in the reports of Israeli research centers indicates that there is a decline in the Israeli narrative, which is facing at this stage an exacerbating crisis that may turn into a setback, but this is also related to regional and global factors, in addition to the struggle of the Palestinian people, which is witnessing a state of struggle at the public level and armed resistance. Not known since the first intifada.

struggles and challenges

The digital media journalist, Muhammad Khairy, attributed the intensification of the battle of awareness between Israel and the factions represented by Hamas to the Israeli government’s efforts to prove “Israeli sovereignty,” which, since the gift of dignity in May last year, has been undermined by many events that Tel Aviv attributed to Hamas. And the resistance in particular, which is represented by the Palestinian media mobilization towards Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

Khairy explained to Al-Jazeera Net that since the battle of "Saif al-Quds", Israel has been wrestling with a narrative, culture and a large and systematic media process led by the resistance in an organized and court manner, which puts Israel in front of challenges that threaten to explode the situation, and this in itself is proof of the ability and success of the Palestinian parties in this battle.

It is believed that the "battle for awareness" and the emergence of the Hamas narrative and the resistance enhanced sympathy with the Palestinian cause globally, as it was remarkable the return of the Palestinian cause to the global agenda after the "gift of dignity", the battle of the "Sword of Jerusalem" and the aggression against Al-Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah, as it is also clear that the Palestinian people are in harmony with all Spectra and places behind the Palestinian cause.

mobilize and mobilize

He pointed out that the report issued by the "National Security Research Institute" at Tel Aviv University, entitled "A Battle for Awareness", reflects the Israeli recognition that the resistance factions, as well as the Palestinians, have the ability to move the squares on the one hand and the media mobilization on the other, which confirms That Israel is no longer able to win the battles of awareness that it had the upper hand in the past.

He attributed the Israeli decline in the battle of awareness to the spread of social media on the one hand, and the Palestinians' restructuring of the methods of broadcasting, promoting and marketing their narrative through the spread of large and wide platforms and media and networks concerned with monitoring everything that is happening around the clock, which was a gain for the Palestinians in the issue of awareness locally and regionally. And even globally.

It is very clear, says Khairy, "Israel retreated before the Palestinian factions' narrative, which employed all possibilities to expose Israeli violations," recalling the attack on the funeral of the martyr journalist Sherine Abu Aqleh, which the world watched, as the factions "were able to exploit these scenes to prove the crimes of the occupation and the extent of its involvement in these crimes." .

Khairi: Today, the Palestinian narrative appears to be more profound, well studied, and superior to the Israeli one (Al-Jazeera)

Inverting the equation

The digital media specialist emphasized that the Palestinian narrative today appears to be more profound and well studied in a way that parallels and even surpasses the Israeli narrative, which has become impotent in front of it, and the Palestinians are more able to draw the attention of the international parties concerned and cause great embarrassment to the occupation.

Khairy believes that the biggest crisis surrounding Israel is the search for a novel through which to win the battle of awareness and the media battle, saying, "In the past, it did not need all this effort and for years it remained the supported party that the media recruited for its service. This was due to the weakness of the Palestinians and their ability to compete."

In response to a question about whether Hamas succeeded in transmitting messages through the narrative it formulated for the Palestinian people, Khairy said, "Hamas was able to prove to the Palestinians that it is the godfather of the resistance line, and it seems clear that the Palestinian people, in light of all the violations, believe the resistance more than others."

He explained that Hamas was able, through its narration and messages, whether in the media or in the field, to reverse the equation, as it is accused by Israeli parties of being behind the increase in operations against Israel through the mobilization on the one hand, and setting an example of the resistance and its methods on the other hand.

Ghazzawi: The success of the resistance's path in the battle of awareness has brought the Palestinian cause back to the fore in the Arab world and regionally (Al-Jazeera)

The same thesis was adopted by the writer and researcher in political affairs, Saher Ghazzawi, who believes that Hamas and the resistance factions, since the battle of the "Sword of Jerusalem", have continued to present themselves as the protector of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

On the other hand, Ghazzawi tells Al Jazeera Net, "Israel is finding it difficult to restore the damage, failures and prejudice to its military prestige, and the image of Israeli deterrence in front of the resistance has dissipated. On this basis, the battle of awareness "is still raging between the two parties."

The researcher in political affairs explained that the reflection and impact of the victory of the resistance factions, led by Hamas, in the battle of the "Sword of Jerusalem" was clear to the Palestinian people in all their places of existence, which confirms the success of the resistance's path in the battle of awareness that brought the Palestinian cause back to the forefront of Arab, regional and international attention.

Ghazzawi concluded by saying, “We can read Israel’s defeat in the battle of awareness and narration before the Palestinian resistance, even from the Israeli readings themselves. Israel struggles to prove its story.