However, he estimates that the number of exercises in the region will increase.

Cavoli, commander of the US Army in Europe and Africa, will take over in July as NATO's highest commander in Europe.

On Thursday, he answered questions in the US Senate in connection with the appointment.

Cavoli says that the increased military focus will continue to be on Eastern Europe - where member states are more worried about potential Russian aggression and possible spread of the Ukraine war.

"The focus of NATO forces has shifted to the east," Cavoli said in the US Senate.

- Depending on how the conflict develops, we may need to continue with it for a while.

Cavoli was asked about the US military presence in Europe, which has grown from less than 80,000 men to about 102,000 since Russia's escalation leading up to the invasion.

He says that the increase has no connection to Finland's and Sweden's NATO applications.

Cavoli notes that the United States already has strong military ties with both countries, and that in the future there will probably be more joint exercises and other engagements.