Arthur Delaborde 09:04, May 27, 2022

Elisabeth Borne meets the government at Matignon this Friday morning.

The Prime Minister intends to move forward on the priorities set by Emmanuel Macron during the first Council of Ministers on Monday.

Above all, she wants to show that the government is at work, while the executive is already in trouble with the rape charges against Damien Abad. 

No ascension bridge for the Prime Minister.

Elisabeth Borne will distribute the roadmaps to each member of the government this Friday morning.

“Speed, efficiency and results” is the method of the head of government, assures Matignon.

But so far, the beginnings of the new team have been somewhat laborious.

New government weighed down by rape charges against Abad

She is indeed already weighed down by accusations of rape targeting the new Minister of Solidarity Damien Abad.

Ambiguity also reigns over major projects to come, on purchasing power for example. 

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The vagueness reigns around the pension reform 

After ensuring that the package of measures to deal with inflation would be announced before the legislative elections.

The executive backpedaled this week, specifying that this purchasing power package would finally be presented after the ballot on June 12 and 19.

The vagueness also reigns over the pension reform.

The government seems to want to temporize on this sensitive file.

The present meeting should therefore make it possible to clarify a certain number of points.

But, a priori, journalists will not be able to ask questions of the ministers who will be present.