In the eyes of an enterprise, what does an ideal "prospective employee" look like?

  【Roundtable Dialogue】

  Guests of this issue

  Yang Hanliang, Assistant Minister of Human Resources Department of Weichai Group

  Tong Bulin, Director of Campus and Employer Branding Platform, Geely Holding Group

  Wei Guoxue, Deputy Director of the Social Policy Office of the China Academy of Macroeconomics

  "Faced with a blank sheet of paper, we pay more attention to what kind of picture we can draw in the future"

  Reporter: As an employer, what is more important for companies to recruit college graduates?

If you rank talent quality, what do you think are the three most important elements?

  Yang Hanliang: We always believe that integrity and honesty are the basic qualities that outstanding talents should possess.

In addition, the following three qualities are also important:

  First, solid professional knowledge and strong practical ability.

As an employer, our first consideration is whether the candidate is qualified for the target position.

Since fresh graduates generally lack work experience, whether they have outstanding professional performance, outstanding practice and skill level, has become the first factor to be considered by enterprises.

  The second is learning ability and plasticity.

For new employees with strong plasticity, Weichai has established a relatively complete training and training system, for example, special induction training for newly recruited college students; Rookie Award selection, etc., to maximize the enthusiasm of new recruits to learn, and cultivate them into employees who truly match the job requirements.

  The third is the ability of team communication and collaboration.

We will examine students' team communication and collaboration skills through experiences such as student club work and team competitions.

  Tong Bulin: Every college graduate is a piece of white paper, and what enterprises value more is what kind of picture this piece of white paper can draw in the future.

We hope to select talents with more creativity and development potential.

However, in the actual selection and recruitment process, these potentials are difficult to be discovered through standardized processes.

Therefore, many companies often set screening criteria, such as internship experience.

If a student consciously spends his or her spare time on internships, he (she) will definitely be able to gain more experience, and at the same time, it will also reflect his (her) career interests, which is an important message for companies.

Our company's campus recruitment is almost always one-to-one interviews, so as to have a clearer understanding of the candidates' comprehensive qualities, such as pressure resistance, language skills, teamwork skills, etc., to find talents who are more in line with the development needs of the enterprise.

  Reporter: In your opinion, what changes have taken place in the employment needs of enterprises compared with the past?

  Wei Guoxue: Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, large enterprises with relatively stable jobs have become the preferred choice for many college graduates.

However, the number of large enterprises is limited and the competition is fierce. How to quickly screen out better and harder-working talents from the massive resumes?

In recent years, large companies have increased their requirements for candidates' "originality", and the "educational education championship" has been continuously upgraded. Some graduates joked, "If you are not a master or doctor from a famous school, you are too embarrassed to write a resume."

  Graduates seek stability, HR in large enterprises seeks speed and justice, and jobs are in short supply.

When there is no substitute standard that can more accurately reflect the level of human capital, it will inevitably push up the rigid requirements such as academic qualifications.

The recruitment of small, medium and micro enterprises is another scene. Since it is not very attractive to graduates, once the rigid threshold is raised, it will be more difficult to recruit people, so there has been a polarization of recruitment standards - large enterprises raise standards, small and medium enterprises lower the standard.

  Whether large enterprises or small, medium and micro enterprises, they all hope that the graduates they recruit will be able to work for a long time.

The vast majority of graduates are difficult to recruit immediately after they enter the company, and they need to invest time and energy in vocational skills training.

In addition to training costs, enterprises also hope that graduates will be more patient, step by step, and develop together with enterprises.

  "Spend more time and energy growing up with them"

  Reporter: What is the "ideal job seeker" in the minds of enterprises?

  Yang Hanliang: The so-called "ideal job seeker" is actually a job seeker who is highly suitable for the enterprise. It can be either a college graduate with high comprehensive quality and potential, or a professional and technical person with rich work experience.

They have a common feature, that is, they can contribute value to the development of the enterprise now or in the near future.

They have the correct outlook on life and values, excellent team communication and collaboration skills, solid professional basic knowledge, strong desire to learn and excellent learning ability.

  In recent years of recruiting, I have been impressed by one candidate.

He is a young man who has just stepped out of the "ivory tower". He has a clear career development plan. Not only does he have a solid professional foundation and excellent grades, he also forms a team with his classmates to participate in school-level automotive technology competitions during school, with outstanding practical ability.

During the interview process, he also did not forget to ask the interviewer for technical questions.

After nearly two years of study and exercise, he has now grown into the technical backbone of the business team, and his future development prospects are immeasurable.

  Tong Bulin: In the past five years of campus talent introduction, we have recruited nearly 10,000 college students, of which 65% are mechanical engineering, vehicle engineering and other traditional mechanical professional backgrounds, software and Internet talents account for 20%, management, Other professionals accounted for 15%.

We hope that in certain positions with higher technical requirements, job seekers have the ability to be independent; we also expect job seekers in management and general positions to have strong comprehensive qualities.

  We have sorted out the "5+X" talent portrait model that meets Geely's needs. "5" refers to initiative, passion, adaptability, curiosity, and emphasis on results. "X" is the characteristic dimension of different positions. .

No matter what kind of talent, we will spend more time and energy to accompany them to grow together.

  Reporter: What do you think of the company's expectations for "ideal job seekers"?

  Wei Guoxue: During the recruitment process, the corporate mentality is actually very complicated: to recruit the most suitable person, you must first accurately find out the rank, advantages and disadvantages of the unit in a number of enterprises; if you want to recruit graduates with strong combat power Students, but also have to consider the reality of higher education, but also consider whether it can retain people.

Our survey found that in the service industry with high job substitutability, companies require a longer internship period when recruiting, which may be to reduce operating costs and better inspect new employees; Manufacturing enterprises are satisfied as long as they can recruit graduates of relevant majors, and their requirements for internships are relatively low.

  Fundamentally speaking, it can only be an ideal state for fresh graduates to be recruited and ready to use.

For enterprises, the relationship between short-term costs and long-term benefits must be considered, and they must be willing to invest in vocational skills training, rather than simply placing the responsibility for education entirely on colleges and universities.

From the perspective of the function of university education, it is indeed necessary to focus on cultivating talents with strong practical ability, and at the same time, it is also necessary to enhance students' ability of independent thinking and self-learning, which is more important for students' medium and long-term development.

  Enrollment, training and employment, the linkage of the three needs to be strengthened urgently

  Reporter: As far as the employment needs of enterprises are concerned, what are the common shortcomings of college graduates, and what problems does it reflect in the cultivation of talents in schools?

  Yang Hanliang: From our observations, one of the most prominent problems is that some students lack the learning and training of applied knowledge during school, and lack practical experience and ability.

Second, the professional structure and curriculum setting of some colleges and universities need to be further optimized.

In addition, some students have weak job-seeking ability, but high employment expectations, which lead to employment anxiety.

How to guide students to establish a correct view of career selection and master basic job-seeking skills should be the focus of college employment guidance.

  Tong Bulin: In our communication with college graduates, we found that many people lack self-awareness and do not know what they like and what they can do.

For example, those who study engineering feel that their professional skills are not strong enough; those who do research and development feel that they have no skills; those who do sales feel that they lack skills; those who study liberal arts feel that they can do everything but are not good at everything, and often look for jobs with anxiety.

In this regard, schools should help students establish career planning awareness as soon as possible, and carry out career planning education in an all-round way.

  Most of the abilities required in the work must be honed in practice, such as creativity, pressure resistance, hands-on ability, etc.

We sincerely hope to cooperate with the school to carry out more extensive school-enterprise cooperation, encourage students to understand cutting-edge trends and advanced technologies, and enhance their familiarity and goodwill with enterprises.

At the same time, the school must create a good environment for practical activities, guide students to actively participate, and walk the "first mile" of the school leading to the society.

  Reporter: What do you think of this feeling of the company?

  Wei Guoxue: These feelings of enterprises, on the one hand, reflect the lack of linkage between enrollment and employment, and on the other hand, reflect the lack of linkage between training and employment.

According to people in the human resources market, the increase in the number of enrollments for majors with rapidly growing market recruitment demand is still limited. For example, the talent gap in artificial intelligence-related majors will continue for a long time; some industries have weak growth, but more students are recruited for related majors.

  There are a number of reasons why the enrollment structure has not been linked to market demand in a timely manner.

For example, it is difficult for employers to predict the development trend of the industry, resulting in market signals not being transmitted to the education system in a timely manner; another example, subject to the education system and mechanism, it is difficult for colleges and universities to adjust the enrollment catalog in a timely manner.

Under the baton of the existing performance appraisal, college teachers may not have the time and energy to fully understand the needs of the market and enterprises, and they will not be able to teach more appropriate knowledge or skills in the classroom.

  All-round cooperation requires more practical tricks

  Reporter: In recent years, universities have made a lot of efforts to promote the employment of talents, especially the communication and cooperation with enterprises.

What experience do you have in this regard, and what do you think are its effects and shortcomings?

  Yang Hanliang: The exchanges and cooperation between universities and enterprises in human resources are indeed gradually deepening.

For example, Weichai has established long-term school-enterprise cooperation with more than ten domestic first-class universities such as Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and Tongji University.

At the same time, we have established "Weichai Campus Club" in 4 colleges and universities including Shandong University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai) and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and regularly organize activities to help students understand the company and provide them with job-hunting counseling.

The company has organized several "Doctoral Open Days" and "Pilot" intern programs, and regularly holds school-enterprise symposiums and doctoral symposiums in key school-enterprise cooperation universities, and actively carries out online and offline activities, attracting a large number of outstanding students to join. enterprise.

In the future, we will further explore the school-enterprise-oriented talent training model, jointly improve the accuracy of cooperation, and work together to do a good job in the employment of college students.

  Tong Bulin: Since the outbreak of the epidemic, some new trends and new characteristics have emerged in campus recruitment.

Under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, the cooperation and exchanges between schools and enterprises have increased significantly. Industry-university-research cooperation, employment and education, and visits to enterprises have substantially promoted the understanding between schools and enterprises and increased the possibility of cooperation.

More importantly, enterprises pre-position the demand for talents, and schools can train talents in a precise order-based manner according to the needs of employment, which alleviates the inconsistency and imbalance of supply and demand to a certain extent.

  Since the launch of "College Secretaries and Principals Visiting Enterprises to Expand Jobs and Promote Employment", many colleges and universities have actively communicated with us, and the relationship between enterprises and colleges has changed from one-way "requiring talents" to "two-way travel".

In the past week, our group and colleges and universities have held 4 exchange meetings for visiting enterprises and career development. In the exchange meeting with Nanchang University, we have implemented the joint construction of career consultation platforms, interest groups, joint competitions, and employment practice bases. and many other projects.

Nevertheless, the frequency and depth of school-enterprise cooperation and exchanges, and the speed of project advancement need to be further improved. We hope to have more opportunities and a broader platform to carry out all-round exchanges and cooperation with universities.

  Reporter: What are the appeals of enterprises to universities for the cultivation of talents in universities?

  Wei Guoxue: First of all, universities should strive for excellence in teaching, and make great efforts to cultivate students' basic abilities such as logical thinking, language expression, and writing, and lay a solid foundation for students' lifelong learning.

On this basis, we should support university scientific research teams and enterprises to establish a close cooperative relationship, promote universities to develop new technologies and new products for enterprises, and support postgraduate training and undergraduate internships through scientific research projects to cultivate research-oriented talents for enterprises.

In the professional course teaching and entrepreneurship and employment training, establish a long-term mechanism for introducing excellent lecturers from enterprises, so that there are practical talents in the classrooms of colleges and universities, so that college students can master job hunting and employment skills as soon as possible.

  (Reporter Zhang Sheng)

  (Project team: reporters Zhang Sheng, Zhao Qiuli, Feng Fan, Wang Simin, reporters Wang Yuejun, Du Kecheng, Xu Mengling)