Emergency care, transport, waste management.

There are some examples of those who will be given higher priority than households in the event of a power grid collapse.  

SVT's program Samhällskollaps simulates a scenario where the earth is hit by a strong solar storm.

It is called a solar storm when the sun has strong energy outbursts consisting of charged particles or radiation.

Storms can affect the earth.

It can usually be seen as the northern lights.

But the program simulates an unusually strong solar storm.

So powerful that large parts of Sweden's electricity grid are knocked out. 

- It is a nightmare but also something we live with all the time, that major disturbances can occur.

It has happened about every twenty years if you look historically, says Svenska kraftnät's operations manager Pontus de Maré.

Must be restarted gradually

Many socially important activities, such as hospitals, have spare units that start up if the power goes out and must, according to the MSB's recommendation, be able to supply the hospital for three days.

When the electricity networks are to start up again after a major power outage, the electricity must be switched on gradually. 

According to Pontus de Maré, it can take up to three to four days before the main network is restarted in such an event.

Watch Samhällskollaps in SVT1 on Wednesday at 21:00 or on SVT Play.