Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach 4:45 p.m., May 24, 2022

Before embracing the career of writer that we know her, Sophie Rostopchine, Countess of Ségur (1799-1874) lived through a painful episode.

For 13 long years, she was subject to excruciating migraines and voiceless.

In 1836, the Comtesse de Ségur, 36, gave birth to her eighth and last child.

Isolated in the Château des Nouettes, tired by these repeated pregnancies and an unhappy marriage, she sinks into a deep depression.

Deprived of voice by a strange evil, the countess is forced to use a slate to communicate.

Healing will come with writing, which will occupy him tirelessly for the last 17 years of his life.