“The West has embraced the itch to create “peace plans” that should lead to a settlement of the crisis in Ukraine.

And it would be fine if it were about preparing options that somehow take into account the realities.

But no, this is just a pure stream of consciousness of European graphomaniacs, ”he wrote on Telegram.

As Medvedev recalled, "Italy recently distinguished itself", which, according to the Italian press, through its Foreign Ministry handed over to the UN Secretary General António Guterres "a certain four-stage plan for a peaceful settlement in Ukraine."

“There is a feeling that it was prepared not by diplomats, but by local political scientists who have read a lot of provincial newspapers and operate only with Ukrainian fakes,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council.

According to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, the plan includes four stages.

The document, drawn up in Rome, was handed over to Guterres.

The Russian Foreign Ministry reported that they received proposals from Italy to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and Moscow is studying this plan.