Crying for no reason, being moved by the simplest of situations, wanting to let loose and laughing immediately followed by a desire to be alone are all forms of mood swings that occur during pregnancy due to a variety of factors, including rapidly changing hormones, physical discomforts during pregnancy, and very normal fears. From the next change in life.

All the mood swings that happen in the months of pregnancy are normal, you just need to know their causes and how to deal with them.

Pregnancy hormones and mood swings

One of the main causes of mood swings during pregnancy is rapid changes in hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone.

Estrogen levels rise during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, increasing by more than 100 times.

Estrogen binds to the brain chemical serotonin.

You might know serotonin as the happy hormone, and it's the hormone that many antidepressant drugs try to boost, but serotonin has no direct relationship to happiness, and imbalances and fluctuations in this neurotransmitter can lead to emotional dysregulation.

Progesterone also increases rapidly during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. While estrogen is usually associated with energy (and a lot of it is associated with nervous energy), progesterone is associated with relaxation.

This is exactly what progesterone does in the body during pregnancy, telling the muscles to relax in part to prevent premature uterine contractions.

Muscle relaxation is also a factor in why women become constipated during pregnancy.

Relaxing hormones sound nice, but for some women, the progesterone makes them "more relaxed and lazy."

Which means in some pregnant women feeling tired and sad.

Also, progesterone is the hormone that makes a woman cry when watching an influential movie or an emotional situation, which everyone considers normal, while the pregnant woman sees it as crying.

Prenatal anger linked to lower fetal growth rate (Getty Images)

Mood swings in the third trimester of pregnancy

During the third trimester of pregnancy, many people have trouble sleeping, which leads to mood swings.

Fears about the upcoming birth during the third trimester can also increase, along with fears about becoming a mother or fears about having another baby.

Pregnancy and feeling angry

Some women experience frequent feelings of anger during pregnancy.

This is also due to hormonal changes, just like some women experience frustration right before their period.

We must also not forget about the physical changes women go through, and as a result, pregnancy stress and physical discomfort contribute greatly to pregnancy rage.

Keeping your nerves in check when you feel constantly tired is a challenge.

Anger and fetal development

While occasional feelings of frustration are normal, it is important not to ignore anger if it is recurrent or interferes with your ability to cope with daily life.

Some research has found that anger during pregnancy can affect the fetus.

One study found that prenatal anger was associated with a lower rate of fetal growth.

Also, if the reason for your anger is the lack of desire to become pregnant, it is necessary to obtain treatment and psychological support before the birth of the child, because the continuation of this condition may negatively affect the early bonding between you and your child, as the bond between mother and child is not limited to emotional health only, but affects It also affects the child's physical well-being.

How do you face mood swings?

While mood swings seem to be an inevitable part of pregnancy, that doesn't mean there aren't things you can do to get over it a bit.

You're not alone

Remember that you are not alone in your experience, that hormones are responsible for a lot of how you feel, and that all of this will pass with time.

Talk to your husband and children

You may lose your temper, or start crying unexpectedly;

Let your spouse and family members know that they are not the cause of your frequent anger, and that you need their help.

Apologize in advance for the momentary irritability.

Avoid negative information

Searching and reading about information about pregnancy and childbirth are positive steps to increase your knowledge of the next stage, but some information may make you more anxious, such as reading about premature birth, or health problems that the pregnant woman or the fetus may face.

If pregnancy books or mothers' Facebook groups make you anxious, don't read them.

Get ready for morning sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most difficult symptoms of pregnancy for a pregnant woman in the first months, especially as it occurs without warning, and this can lead to violent mood swings.

Prepare for this situation, especially if you are a working woman or have to go out every day. Carry snacks that do not include stomach irritants. Avoid citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges, and rely on salty biscuits.

Have plastic bags in your pockets or in your bag when you feel like you're going to vomit and there's no bathroom around.

If morning sickness is caused by foul or strong odors, try carrying something that smells good that you like, to catch unwanted odors quickly and counteract them.

A packet of cloves or cinnamon, or a small bottle of your favorite hand lotion, may reduce nausea.

Be aware that some women feel nauseous from the smell of perfume and soap.

And because every woman represents an individual situation, you can choose the scent that's right for you.

Prioritize sleep

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you will likely feel tired no matter how much you sleep.

During the third trimester, you may find it difficult to get rest, and this leads to poor sleep.

But you need to sleep.

If you can take a nap during the day, don't hesitate to sleep.

Even if it means napping at your desk at work.

At home, do everything you can to make bedtime a quiet period.

Yoga and meditation can help reduce anxiety and increase feelings of well-being (Pixabe)

Try yoga or meditation

Yoga and meditation can help reduce anxiety and increase feelings of well-being.

There are many free online meditation apps that you can try.

If you decide to take a yoga class, make sure it's for pregnant women.

doctor visit

Sometimes, you may need a professional to help you. A visit to the doctor does not necessarily mean that you are depressed, but often we all need support from professionals even in occasional moods.

And remember that pregnancy and childbirth - whether it's your first or fifth baby - always make a big difference in your life.