Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 2022 3:55 p.m., May 23, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who were slapped: Pope Boniface VIII who would have simply been slapped by support from the French king Philippe Le Bel in what History has remembered as "the Agnani attack". Then, Philippe d'Orléans, known as "The Regent", who also got slapped in the face, in public please, by his mother, Princess Palatine, who did not endorse his union with the daughter of King Louis XIV... And a comedian who received a slap more recently and in front of more witnesses, during the Oscars Ceremony: the imperturbable Chris Rock.

The guests :

- Julien Théry,

professor of medieval history at the University of Lyon II

- Pascale Mormiche,

 associate professor of modern history at the University of Cergy-Pontoise and collaborator of the Research Center of the Palace of Versailles.

Author of "Le Petit Louis XV" (Editions du Champ Vallon)