A 31-year-old man appeared Thursday before the Bobigny Criminal Court for acts of violence.

A time coach of the women's club of Villemomble (Seine-Saint-Denis), he had established a relationship with a player, then aged 15 and a half.

The defendant had twelve more, reports Le Parisien.

The young woman, 20 years old today, has since denounced beatings, rapes, threats, blackmail.

She notably received 10 days of ITT following beatings, before their separation.

Already known to justice

In court, the defendant explained that he had been "disappointed" after learning that the girl had another relationship.

He acknowledged the violence but assured that the sexual relations were consensual.

The young woman, she claims to have never been consenting.

The 30-year-old is already known to the courts and was notably convicted for death threats.

This time he received a 15-month suspended prison sentence for the violence.

He is prohibited from contacting the victim.


Seine-Saint-Denis: A mother indicted for "neglect" after the death of her son in Bobigny


Murder in a car wash: a man in front of the Bobigny assizes

  • Bobigny

  • Ile-de-France

  • Paris

  • Violence

  • Soccer

  • Justice