It was on April 22 that the man filled a bag with 24 packets of coffee in a store on Kirseberg.

The value of the theft was SEK 1,749 according to the indictment.

Hand-to-hand fighting ensued

An employee discovered the theft.

When the man refused to show the contents of the bag, a scuffle broke out between the man and the woman who tried to take the bag away from him.

- I went out and the staff caught up with me.

I said I needed them because I was in pain and would sell them to buy heroin, the man has said in interrogation.

He says he would meet a friend on Värnhemstorget and exchange the coffee for heroin.

He would receive 1-1.5 grams of heroin, which was about half of his daily addiction.

Also charged with assault

The woman must have been beaten and kicked according to the indictment.

The man is also charged with assault, but denies that he used force.

The man managed to escape from the store but was arrested by the police shortly afterwards.