Has Sweden been enriched by multiculturalism, or are Swedish traditions being watered down?

Two groups from each end of the opinion spectrum participate in the Åsiktsbubblan program.

When the wall in the middle of the room is suddenly hoisted up, they meet face to face. 

- To be against multiculturalism - it's just fear and ignorance, says Mona Skoglund in the program.

She lives in an area where most residents have other origins than Swedish.

- On my door it says "Ahlan wa sahlan" in Arabic, which means welcome.

People come to my house and I go to their house and I get food and coffee, and I never have to feel alone.

- I do not buy signs with Arabic writing on the door.

I have warning signs for my dogs, says Tord Hansson, who thinks that people who come to Sweden should adapt to the Swedish culture.

Watch the meeting in Åsiktsbubblan on SVT Play.