For the third year in a row, "Fågelsångsnatten" is broadcast on Swedish Radio P1's Naturmorgon.

It is the presenters Jenny Berntsson-Djurvall and Mats Ottosson who from an oak garden in Osaby's nature reserve just south of Växjö will broadcast eight hours of birdsong interspersed with a lot of talk about birds and nature.

Reports from all over the country

Reporters will also submit reports from, among others, Ammarnäs, Nittälvsdalen in Bergsslagen, Getterön nature reserve in Halland and Vendelån outside Uppsala.

A challenge as not all places are easy to get to.

- This is a bit like the birds' "middle", says host Mats Ottosson.

- The best thing about this is the whole.

That it is such a "massive" choir and that this one in Småland will start low-intensity almost silently, and then, like a symphony orchestra, roar at everything it has, perhaps in the future at four o'clock, says Jenny Berntsson-Djurvall.

Mats Ottosson is a little worried that the birdsong will be disturbed by the large military exercise that is currently taking place.

That one of the defense aircraft should disturb the peace.

- It is a voice that we really do not hope for, in the broadcast then, says Mats Ottosson.