According to the forecast of the Spanish Meteorological Agency on May 16, local time, due to the influence of a large amount of warm air entering from northern Africa, the temperature in many parts of Spain will begin to rise from the 18th local time, and the temperature will reach its peak this weekend.

Cities such as Seville, Córdoba, Badajoz and other cities can reach a maximum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, and central cities such as Madrid, Toledo, and Zaragoza will also reach a maximum temperature of 38 degrees Celsius.

  The Spanish Meteorological Agency predicts that the country may experience the strongest high temperature weather in May in the past 20 years this week, and the average temperature between the 18th and 22nd is expected to hit the highest value in May in the past 20 years.

(Produced by Wang Jiayi)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]