The end justifies the means: in that sense, Madonna's charity digital porn would be santo subito.

Blessed are the times when the eternal provocateur in person "Like A Virgin" stirred up spirits with the image clash of saint and whore or released albums like "Erotica" to make a profit for herself.

Anno dominae 64, the Queen of Pop will soon be that old, attitude is required and something else is traded as hot goods: Non-Fungible Tokens, NFT for short.

Ursula Scheer

Editor in the Feuilleton.

  • Follow I follow

As is well known, the crypto certificates in blockchains, which can be used to declare digitally copyable items unique, caused an investment dance around the golden calf last year when an NFT by the graphic designer Beeple was auctioned for almost seventy million dollars with a premium.

It certifies the ownership of five thousand trashy little digital pictures somewhere between science fiction, computer game dystopia and memes, some quite sexist.

That made Beeple the new enfant terrible of the cultural scene and the third most expensive contemporary artist at one fell swoop.

Could there be a better partner for Madonna to get the audience's pulse racing?

With Beeple, she has created three NFTs that pay homage to the artist as a global fertility goddess – from a gynecological perspective.

However, the “Material Girl” does not follow the maxim “sex sells”.

The proceeds of the auction on the Superrare platform will go to charities that help children and women in need.

So far, Madonna has attracted attention as a philanthropist through the adoption of several orphans from Malawi;

she maintains a foundation in the country.

Now we see her in computer-animated videos giving birth to a tree naked in the form of a smooth-doll avatar.

Butterflies flutter out of her vagina into an industrial landscape, robot centipedes crawl between her legs in an artificially idyllic clearing.

As if that weren't bad enough, the singer recites her own verses and those of the Persian mystic Rumi on a carpet of sound.

"Mother of Nature", "Mother of Evolution" and "Mother of Technology" are the names of the three parts of the "NFT triptych", which found buyers for the crypto equivalent of almost 136,000, around 147,000 or a good 346,000 dollars.

The tree trunk with phallic connotations was the most expensive, which seems to confirm all the prejudices about NFT buyers (male, tech freaks, dull).

Isn't it possible to donate without having to store such fertility erotic kitsch junk forever?

Rumi, who may now be turning in his grave like a dervish, could quote himself: "I burst out laughing.

I frown.

I yell and scream.”