In the New York crude oil market on the 16th, international crude oil futures prices temporarily hit the $ 114 level per barrel, rising to the highest level since late March, with the view that demand for crude oil will increase.

In the New York crude oil market on the 16th, the futures price of WTI, which is an international indicator of crude oil prices, temporarily rose to the $ 114 level per barrel.

It is the first time since the end of March that one barrel has reached the $ 114 level.

Demand for crude oil is expected to increase in Shanghai, China, where restrictions on going out continue due to the spread of the new coronavirus, as authorities have announced a policy to normalize civilian life and corporate production activities within the next month. The background is that it is out.

If crude oil prices continue to rise, inflationary pressure will continue to intensify.

Market officials said, "There is a delay in the recovery of crude oil production in the United States, which has fallen due to the Korona-ka, and there are many views that crude oil prices will remain high for the time being."