In ideological and political courses, teachers should teach with heart and students should understand with heart

  Author: Xie Weiguang

  "The essence of ideological and political courses is to be reasonable. We must pay attention to methods and methods. We must explain the truth deeply, thoroughly, and live. Teachers should teach with heart, and students should understand with heart, so as to communicate with the soul, enlighten the mind, and stimulate the fighting spirit." Xi Jinping During his inspection at Renmin University of China, the general secretary pointed out that ideological and political education for young people is a continuous process, and ideological and political education should be carried out in a targeted manner according to the different stages of young people's growth.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition pointed out the importance of coordinating the main role of teachers and students, and provided a guiding principle and fundamental compliance for making good use of classroom teaching as the main channel and creating more "golden lessons".

Understanding and practicing this concept requires understanding from General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important expositions on running ideological and political courses well.

  From "making various courses and ideological and political theory courses go in the same direction to form a synergistic effect", to "the key to running ideological and political theory courses well is teachers, and the key lies in giving full play to teachers' enthusiasm, initiative and creativity", from "some ideological and political theory courses" Classrooms use group research, situational presentations, project discussions, classroom debates and other methods of teaching, so that students can speak, this is conducive to giving full play to the role of students' subjectivity. It can be seen that the core method of coordinating the role of teachers and students in teaching ideological and political courses is an important magic weapon to improve the teaching effectiveness of ideological and political courses.

And this also puts forward higher requirements for teachers of ideological and political courses.

  A teacher's attentive teaching is the foundation of a good ideological and political course.

Ideological and political courses are the key courses to implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people. They not only have great responsibilities, but also have a large content structure. They involve Marxist philosophy, political economy, scientific socialism, reform, development and stability, internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, governance. The party, the state, the army, etc.

In the historical perspective of ideological and political teachers, there must be more than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization history, more than 500 years of world socialism history, more than 180 years of struggle history since modern times, and more than 100 years of struggle history of the Chinese Communist Party. The development history of the People's Republic of China for more than 70 years must have a practical history of more than 40 years of reform and opening up, as well as the historical achievements and historical changes of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Teachers of ideological and political courses can become Marxist theoretical educators only by familiarizing themselves with classics, dabbling extensively, continuously learning, and concentrating on research. Faith in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Ideological and political courses are essentially the work of being a human being. It must not only convince people with reason, serve people with deeds, but also educate people with morality and change people with heart.

For teachers, if they want to train their students to be who they are, they should be who they should be first. If they cannot lead by example, no amount of work will be in vain or even counterproductive.

To cultivate socialist builders and successors, we urgently need our teachers not only to be proficient in professional knowledge, to be good "sutra teachers", but also to cultivate morality and become "people teachers", and strive to be good at "preaching and teaching careers and solving doubts". The unifier of "teacher" and "human teacher".

Teachers of ideological and political courses should pursue a big realm, a big mind, and a big pattern, strengthen their own moral cultivation, adhere to the virtues of the body, the virtues, the virtues, the virtues, the love and the true feelings, and the charm of the students. Dedicated to teaching students, infecting students with noble personality, and being a model for students to learn, do things, and be a person, and promote students to grow into all-round development of people.

  Students' understanding is the key to a good ideological and political course.

"The 'big ideological and political course' we must make good use of it and must be combined with reality." The ideological and political course in the new era is a theoretical course that compares Chinese and Western civilizations, a practical course that interprets China's road, and an era that inspires youth to take responsibility. , not only requires the concerted efforts of various departments, teachers, and even schools, families, and society, but also students must play a subjective role to realize knowledge co-construction together with teachers.

Young students are the builders and successors of socialism. Students in ideological and political courses have heard, seen or experienced, thought about, and even have profound experience that matches teachers, or life experiences that are completely different from teachers. Therefore, Students should not be purely educational objects, but should become participants in the construction of "big ideological and political courses".

Running ideological and political courses well is to carry out Marxist theoretical education. Marxism is the theory of the people and a powerful weapon for the people themselves. Students themselves have the enthusiasm and initiative to learn Marxist theory. This is the teaching of ideological and political courses. Students must play a role. The fundamental role of subjectivity.

  Students are active in thinking, willing to participate, advocating equality, full of questioning spirit, and willing to communicate and interact with teachers. Faced with such a group, any forced indoctrination is inefficient or even ineffective.

In addition, students are not passive recipients of content, but have a certain knowledge reserve and independent thinking ability, and can express their own opinions.

A large number of books and various information-based learning tools in the library can also meet the needs of students to access materials.

Stimulating the subjective role of students is a necessary condition for achieving educational results. Without the active participation and comprehension of students, the content of education cannot be truly internalized as part of the students' own quality.

  Only when teachers and students work together can ideological and political courses be effective.

The core meaning of the collaborative role of teachers and students is that, based on the subjectivity and acceptance effect of college students, from the teacher-centered teaching concept of "emphasizing teaching and ignoring learning" to the method of "designing teaching based on learning", practice a The two-way communication education and teaching model with both authoritative and dialogue, builds a classroom ecological atmosphere of cooperation, creation, life, and linkage, and achieves the effect of combining spring breeze and rain with water.

For example, teachers and students discuss issues that are familiar but not true, discuss topics that originate from teaching content and life practice and have a broad thinking space, and explore social hotspot issues.

These questions or topics are like a converter, unifying theoretical analysis and life experience, linking small ideological and political classrooms with large social classrooms, extending education to real life, and improving the effectiveness of ideological and political courses.

Students are willing to participate and comprehend attentively. Teachers use dominant ideological resources and theoretical frameworks to strengthen guidance, summarization and refinement, and to make the content vivid and the theory thorough.

Case-based teaching, problem-based teaching, discussion-based teaching, inquiry-based teaching, interactive teaching, homework-based teaching and other methods and methods that have been widely used at present are a good exploration of the collaborative role of teachers and students.

  In the process of collaborative construction between teachers and students, students should use observational power to see, use logical ability to judge, use action power to collect relevant materials for argumentation, and then use critical power to analyze other people's views, or use thinking This process trains students' inner essential strength and allows students' life vitality to bloom.

At the same time, through discussion, questioning, listening, debate, inquiry, realization, and reflection, Marxist belief is no longer a rigid mechanical dogma or a conclusion separated from argumentation, but is established in a thorough understanding of the theory itself, logical argumentation, and even both positive and negative. On the basis of various arguments, such a belief can truly take root in the heart and be unswerving, and such ideological and political courses can be vivid, rational and effective.

  (Author: Xie Weiguang, Director of Ideological and Political Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts Dalian Campus)