NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization is holding a foreign ministers' meeting for two days from the 14th, and on the first day Finland and Sweden's foreign minister who is considering joining NATO will also attend. bottom.

According to NATO Deputy Secretary-General Joana, the foreign ministers of both countries explained the situation surrounding their own security and the possibility of applying for membership.

The Czech and Norwegian foreign ministers, who were interviewed by reporters before the meeting, expressed their support for the accession of both countries.

However, Turkey's Foreign Minister Chaushor said, "The majority of Turkish people are opposed to joining a country that supports terrorist organizations," and to the Kurdish armed groups that Turkey has designated as terrorist organizations. Both countries were reluctant to join NATO because of their support.

On the other hand, he says he is ready to discuss.

Finland and Sweden need the consent of all member states to join NATO, and Finnish Foreign Minister Harvist said, "I am confident that we can find a solution, but any country can block the process of joining. It is important to keep in touch with each country. "