UAE, one of the leading oil-producing countries in the Middle East, has announced that it has chosen its younger brother, Crown Prince Muhammad of Abu Dhabi, to replace the deceased former President Burj Khalifa.

The UAE government announced on the 14th that it has selected Prince Muhammad of the Emirates of Abu Dhabi as his younger brother to replace the deceased former President Burj Khalifa as a result of discussions by the chiefs of the emirates that make up the country.

Crown Prince Muhammad is the third son of President Zyed, who died in 2004 and is now 61 years old.

It is also called "MBZ" by taking the acronym of "Mohammed bin Zayed" in his name among Western media.

Following the inauguration of his brother, former President Khalifa, in 2004, he was appointed Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Since former President Burj Khalifa disappeared publicly due to the stroke, he has taken national policy as a de facto national leader, leading the normalization of diplomatic relations with Israel, which has been in conflict for many years.

On the diplomatic side, he has built a deep relationship with his neighbor, Crown Prince Muhammad of Saudi Arabia, and has been in step with him through military intervention in Yemen, where the civil war continues, and diplomatic relations with Qatar.

After taking office as his president, Crown Prince Muhammad is likely to be challenged in dealing with the crisis in Ukraine and in diplomacy with consuming countries including Japan as crude oil prices soar.