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On the platform they look like bronze sculptures.

On paper, they are a strict schedule.

A scheduled diet.

A week written with protein shakes.

They are not journalists, but they work long hours in the press


And on the weight bench.


The bike.

The path to your goals is millimetre.

His achievement, a body sculpted with hardness and care.

Her motivation, living in the bikini fit competition circuits.

A bodybuilding category that arrived in Spain

in 2013 that each year leads 50 women to the National Cup.

While competing

, Carla, Alexandra, Carmen and Karina met.

Four women who do not coincide in age, nationality, or the noise of their starting gun.

Each felt the call to bodybuilding in her own way.

But they all exhibit themselves in front of the jury wanting to win a medal or cup that motivates them to continue growing in body, mind and dedication.

"The first day I competed I was like a flan", recalls Carla ironically about the power of her muscles.

"In a fit bikini, girls are expected to

have a strong, but fine line,"

she reveals.

Carmen and Carla training on a normal day at the gymCedida


came to the gym for a toxic relationship

, but she stayed to have a healthy relationship with herself.

"My ex

used to tell me that she was overweight and she was a skinny girl,"

she recalls.

"I started training in the morning, in the afternoon. It happened to me because I had no idea," she says.

Over time, she abandoned that boy and also that way of punishing her body.

At 28,

she has been in bodybuilding for three years and has won several regional championships

and an international bronze.

"All my family and friends came to support me, I was very excited," she says.

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Like other fitness girls, Carla has based part of her learning on Instagram.

She thus began to follow Alexandra, a 37-year-old French woman who has been exercising at home for years.

"She At first she used my children as weights,"

she jokes.

Resident in Galicia, she never thought of competing.

But a year ago, having transformed her home into a daycare center, gym and office,

she decided to stretch her muscles to the outside world.

In order to show off her figure in championships, she began to wake up at 5 in the morning and follow

a bodybuilding routine,

albeit interspersed with motherhood and work.

There are no excuses for not doing the 3 hours of cardio and strength exercises planned by his trainer.

"We have everything very scheduled, also the meals

. Everything is weighed and calculated," she explains.

"You have to eat the egg whites for breakfast, eat the hake, everything to the millimeter."

Alexandra is the champion of Spain in the master's category, for those over 35, but she admits that competing generates a lot of expenses.

"The bikini costs about 300 euros.

It is a special piece to feel pretty," she reveals.

The rhinestones on these bikinis are

glued by hand and are like a jewel for the competitor.

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However, bodybuilders have other costs beyond the bikini itself, the heels or the suntan lotion that they wear in the championships.

Toning your body also means emptying your pocket.

"I spend 170 euros a month on food and another 200 are for supplementation

and protein shakes," says Carla.

One of her classmates, Karina, also admits this expense, but she points out that losing that money is gaining in health.

"I used to weigh 109 kilos and now 67," she says.

Born in Uruguay 32 years ago, Karina came to Spain as a child and did not find the motivation to fight against being overweight until she was an adult.

But even then she had it tough.


I met scammers who made me starve and puncture my belly. They told me not to drink olive oil

because I already had a lot of oil in my body"

, he details. Just getting into bodybuilding has straightened his line and his self-esteem. "At first my parents

were afraid that I would stay as a man", he

tells about society's prejudices regarding the female muscle.

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For health, not physical, but mental, Carmen reached the bulging arms of fitness.

At 31 years old, she says she is in the best moment of her life.

For her, the harshness of her weights rhymes with her in assonance with the harshness of her childhood.

"When I was 12 years old they abused me, that caused me anorexia and depression,"

she says.

Sport was a refuge and a breather for her, especially the day her brother died a decade ago.

After playing soccer 7 in the 2nd division,

she decided that the gym would be her therapy and her weight bench, her


She traded entire episodes of pain for entire series.

None from Netflix.

There is also no sofa.

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