Researchers at Mainz University Medicine have helped to develop a new drug that could be used to treat fatty liver inflammation that is not caused by alcohol.

This disease often strikes people who are overweight or diabetic.

It can lead to liver cirrhosis, liver failure or liver cancer.

There are currently no medications for this type of fatty liver hepatitis.

This should now change with the active ingredient icosabutate.

This is a modified omega-3 fatty acid that is similar to the ingredients in fish oil.

In a first study on patients, one capsule of icosabutate daily normalized the blood values ​​very quickly, it is said.

Based on these findings, a clinical study was initiated in the USA, which is still ongoing;

the positive results seemed to be confirmed, according to the University of Mainz.

According to the researchers, icosabutate is fifty times more potent than natural omega-3 fatty acids because it cannot be incorporated into liver cells or used as fuel.

The study and its results are explained here.