Respecting the law means respecting the law, respecting the law and advocating the law.

In ancient my country, "painting the ground as a prison" and "building a tree as a letter" are the ancients' behavior of respecting the law.

A Western proverb goes: "The most important law among all laws is neither engraved on marble nor on a bronze watch, but engraved in the hearts of citizens." Respecting the law is the pursuit of this kind of engraving of the law. In the state of the heart, only when the heart respects the rule of law can one abide by the law in behavior.

  The survey found that the grassroots troops still have some disrespect for the law to varying degrees.

For example, individual personnel do not respect the law because of their power, work at will and do not follow the law, and the management is rude and does not follow the law; individual officers and soldiers are "ignorant and fearless", take "learning the bulletin" as "listening to stories", and do not take the laws and regulations seriously. Going astray; some officers and soldiers do not fail a single lesson in the rule of law education, but when they encounter problems, they still "return to a doctor in a hurry", whether they believe in the relationship or not in the laws and regulations... All kinds of phenomena reflect that individual officers and soldiers have a weak awareness of respecting the law and a weak concept of legal discipline.

  To respect the rule of law, we must start from exercising power in accordance with the law.

If leading cadres do not respect the law, it will be difficult to realize the "three fundamental changes" in the way of governing the army.

The leaders of individual units do not carry out their work in accordance with the rules and regulations, and are used to working in an empirical and exercise style.

The attitude of leading cadres to the rule of law affects and determines the attitude of officers and soldiers to the rule of law.

Therefore, leading cadres must firmly establish the concept of the rule of law that power is determined by law and exercised in accordance with the law, and always constrain power within the cage of the system.

The majority of officers and soldiers must strengthen the thinking of the rule of law, and consciously and actively supervise leading cadres to exercise their power and administer according to law.

  Respecting the rule of law must respect the authority of laws and regulations.

In reality, there is such a phenomenon. In the process of implementing the rules and regulations, the leaders have been strict for a while, and the leaders are not strict for a while.

Another example is that a certain aspect of the problem that the unit has repeatedly seized has never been thoroughly rectified and rectified. Analysis of the reason is that in the process of supervision and discipline, individual officers and soldiers regard appeasement as care and love, and criticize and educate instead of punishing according to law. Not only did the lawbreakers not get enough vigilance, but it also damaged the seriousness and authority of the law.

The vitality of regulations lies in their enforcement.

Respecting the law means revering the authority of the law, thinking about problems, doing work, and doing things, always keeping the rule of law in mind, and resolutely implementing all laws and regulations.

  Governing the army according to law is not only reflected in the level of rules, regulations and mechanisms, but also in the ideology of officers and soldiers.

Only by first respecting the law can we earnestly study the law, abide by the law, use it, and truly understand the connotation of the rule of law in practice.

To build a barracks under the rule of law, we must create a cultural atmosphere of the rule of law.

It is necessary to carry forward good traditions and inherit good work styles. Through learning and publicity, online publicity, window display boards, etc., we can inspire our thoughts, inspire consciousness, and guide officers and soldiers to establish a firm belief in the rule of law in a subtle way.

  (Author's unit: Political Work Department of the Joint Logistics Support Force)