The New York stock market on the 9th of the week saw a sharp drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average to over $ 600 as sell orders swelled due to concerns about the impact of continued inflation and monetary tightening in the United States on the economy. The lowest price has been updated.

The New York stock market on the 9th saw a lot of stocks sell orders due to the record inflation in the United States and concerns about the impact of the Fed's tightening of monetary policy on the economy. ..

As a result, the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily dropped by more than $ 700 compared to last weekend.

The closing price was $ 32,245,70 cents, which is $ 653,67 lower than last weekend, the lowest price since March last year.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen for three consecutive business days since the day after the Fed decided to raise rates significantly, with the total decline exceeding $ 1800 in three days.

The Nasdaq stock index, which has many IT-related stocks, also fell sharply by 4.2%, setting a new low at the closing price.

Market officials said, "The outlook for the economy is uncertain due to the prolonged military invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the spread of the new coronavirus in China, which also led to the decline in stock prices. The US consumer price index is scheduled to be released last month on the 11th, and there is a lot of interest in how long inflation will continue. "