Alexandre Chauveau edited by Wassila Belhacine 09:26, May 09, 2022

The campaign for the legislative elections has officially started for Les Républicains (LR).

In addition to the departures of certain candidates to the macronie, like Robin Reda, the LR also encounters financial difficulties following the defeat of Valérie Pécresse in the presidential election which makes it difficult to finance their campaign.


The legislative campaign has been officially launched since Saturday for Les Républicains.

543 candidates will present themselves under the colors of the right and the center everywhere in France.

And among them, some are finding it harder than usual to finance their campaign.

Chilled banks 

The right continues to suffer from Valérie Pécresse's score in the presidential election, including financially.

A campaign is expensive, between 35 and 100,000 euros, and forces most candidates to borrow personally from banks.

Nevertheless, some establishments have been more cautious since the rout suffered by LR in the first round of the presidential election.


 Legislative: what is the project carried by Les Républicains?

This defeat also questions many candidates on the right about their chances of also exceeding 5%, and therefore of obtaining reimbursement of their campaign expenses.

This reimbursement, unlike the presidential one, is not full, but represents 47.5% of the authorized ceiling.

This amount varies from one constituency to another, but averages around 35,000 euros.

A donation campaign disrupted by Valérie Pécresse 

The other difficulty lies in the fact that the usual donation campaign is somewhat disrupted by that of Valérie Pécresse.

The candidate has already knocked on the doors of the main donors of the Republicans, who are therefore less generous for legislative candidates.

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And if some have chosen to reduce the airfoil of their campaign, around twenty others, initially invested in hard-to-win constituencies, have simply thrown in the towel.