Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 2022 3:55 p.m., May 06, 2022

Historically Yours brings together characters who have it in the lemon... and who knew how to use it: the doctor James Lind, military surgeon of the Royal Navy who carried out, without knowing it, the first clinical trial in History in administering lemon to sailors suffering from scurvy, with the aim of preventing them from dying... Then a mafia that has become the most famous: Cosa Nostra, which has chosen lemons as its organization's first market in Sicily, to make money wheat, with methods that are already well established.

And a pastry chef, who has become one of the best in the world in just a few years, who has it all in lemon, and knows how to work it into his creations: Cédric Grolet.

The guests :

- Patrick Berche,

biologist, professor emeritus at the University of Paris.

Author of the article “History of scurvy”, published in the Journal of Medical Biology and of the book “Glory and imposture of medicine”, co-written with Jean-Jacques Lefrère (Perrin)

- Fabrice Rizzoli,

mafia specialist, co-founder of the Crim'HALT association.

Author of “The Mafia from A to Z” (Tim Buctu Editions)