The experiment is scheduled to last five months.

Two large dynamic information panels have just been installed at the foot of the Anne-de-Bretagne bridge, on the island of Nantes, an area that is often congested, in order to make residents aware of air pollution.

The first panel is aimed at motorists and broadcasts the air quality situation in real time (ranging from good to bad) as well as information to make people want to travel without a car.

"What we are looking for is to raise awareness to encourage travel to less polluting modes of transport", explains the development company for the island of Nantes (Samoa).

An app at the end of the year

The other panel is designed for cyclists and provides information on the level of pollution (good, average or bad) according to three routes on the island, just to allow them to adapt their trip.

“Air pollution is several pollutants.

Nitrogen dioxide, for example, which is mainly emitted by cars, is very dependent on where you are.

There can be significant differences within a few meters, ”says David Brehon, director of Air Pays-de-la-Loire, the organization in charge of monitoring air quality.

The two pieces of equipment cost around 50,000 euros, financed by the international association Iclei.

An evaluation will be carried out in parallel to verify their impact on road users.

In a second step, at the end of 2022, Air Pays-de-la-Loire plans to launch a mobile application to consult the air quality in real time.


More than 80% of drivers travel alone in their car in the morning, according to a study


Nantes: An interactive map to know the air quality in real time at street level

  • Nantes

  • Planet

  • Air pollution

  • Island of Nantes

  • Car

  • Bike

  • Pays de la Loire