Kerstin Torgersson lives in the village Borgvattnet in Ragunda municipality in Jämtland, one of the municipalities that supplies the most energy from hydropower in the country and where the wind turbines have grown like mushrooms from the ground.

There are currently 56 plants in the municipality and more are under production.

- They want to build on the ridges here by the village, says Kerstin and points west.

Want a refund

At the same time, the political majority in Ragunda intends to say no to new wind power projects with the help of the municipal veto.

Ragunda joins the growing crowd of municipalities that want a proper return on the energy produced by wind power.

First and foremost for the facilities that already exist.

- We are not satisfied with the outcome, says Mikael Westin (C), municipal councilor in Ragunda municipality.

Clink at the checkout

They also want the property tax for wind power plants to go to the municipality and not the state.

All in all, it would give a real jingle in the municipal coffers.

But in the wind power districts, money in the municipal coffers is not something that changes the view of wind power for everyone.

- A bribe, you try to influence with money, says Kerstin Torgersson.

They say that we can get a bathhouse, but where does it end up, not here in Borgvattnet in any case.

Join Ragunda and hear what locals and politicians think about rebates from wind power in the video above.