China News Agency, United Nations, May 5. The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on the Ukraine issue on the 5th.

At the meeting, Ambassador Zhang Jun, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, called on the international community to step up efforts to promote a ceasefire and stop the war, so as to minimize the humanitarian impact of the conflict.

  Zhang Jun pointed out that NATO's repeated eastward expansion after the Cold War not only failed to make Europe safer, but also sowed the seeds of conflict.

NATO claims to be a defensive organization, but recklessly launches wars against sovereign countries, causing huge casualties and humanitarian disasters.

  Zhang Jun said that the day after tomorrow is May 7.

On May 7, 1999, NATO bombed the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and wounding more than 20 Chinese diplomats.

The Chinese people will never forget this barbaric atrocity and will never allow such a history to repeat itself.

  Zhang Jun emphasized that the security of all countries is inseparable, and it is unreasonable in theory to base the security of one country on the insecurity of other countries, and it also does not work in reality.

The Cold War has long since ended, and NATO should make necessary adjustments based on the situation.

Sticking to outdated security concepts and keen to provoke camp confrontation and create tensions in Europe, even the Asia-Pacific and the world, such an approach is harmful to others as well as self. China firmly opposes this.

  Zhang Jun said that the world does not need a "new cold war", and the world cannot afford greater turmoil and division.

China solemnly advocates that in order to solve the real problems of human security and to seek a long-term solution to world peace, all countries should reaffirm their commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, earnestly uphold the principle of indivisibility of security, and build a balanced and effective solution through consultation and cohesion. , sustainable global and regional security architecture.
