During the night towards Wednesday, the police rushed to the car workshop in Boden.

Shortly afterwards, Henrik Johansson arrived at the crime scene and the wheel loader was left idle.

- It looked awful, the driver must have driven into the building several times.

No person was left, but from what I have understood, a car with a trailer must have been seen leaving the place, says Henrik Johansson.

Forced to keep closed

Johansson runs the company together with Andreas Palmgren and the company is forced to close on Wednesday and there may be more.

- We are chasing insurance companies to see how we can proceed.

We need to get a place, it is not possible to be here, he says.

Nothing seems stolen

He has a hard time understanding the perpetrator's or perpetrators' deed - nothing seems stolen either.

- We have a file cabinet with securities but no cash or so.

It looks like pure damage and in addition to the building being broken, computers and a car were destroyed inside the workshop, he says and continues:

- It's really sad, we are a small and vulnerable company and are hit hard.

Hear Henrik Johansson about the incident and see pictures from the broken workshop in the video above.