
Controversy is growing in the United States as it becomes known that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned a ruling that guaranteed women's abortion rights.

President Biden even issued a statement saying that the ruling must not be overturned.

The issue of abortion has become a major topic of debate in the United States.

In Korea, after the Constitutional Court ruled that the abortion was unconstitutional in 2019, the government announced a legislative amendment to the law to allow abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, but it has not yet passed the National Assembly.

This is Washington correspondent Yunsu Kim.


[Your body is your choice.

Your body is your choice.]

Protesters gathered in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC.

To protest the news that the ruling that guaranteed the right to abortion will be overturned.

[Barbara/Participant: I believe that women can make judgments about their bodies.

The government should never judge.]

[Joanna/Participant: Enabling women to have a safe and legal abortion is a vital part of women's health.]

A draft ruling by conservative Justice Samuel Erlito It was leaked, and it is written that the so-called 'Roe v. Wade judgment' in 1973, which was the trigger for guaranteeing the right to abortion, was absurdly wrong and that the judgment should be overturned.

The ruling has been seen as a milestone in ensuring the right to abortion by allowing abortion within 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Conservative groups and Republicans against abortion welcomed it, and President Biden has issued an unusual statement of opposition.

[Biden/President of the United States: If a decision is made to overturn the guarantee of the right to abortion, it will be a very radical decision.

It will fundamentally change American law.]

If the Supreme Court overturns the Roe v. Wade decision, then each state will decide whether or not to allow abortion.

The New York Times estimates that half of the 50 states in the United States can ban abortion.

The final decision of the U.S. Supreme Court is expected in about two months.

The debate over the abolition of abortion rights is likely to heat up in American society for a while.

(Video coverage: Park Eun-ha, video editing: Jo Moo-hwan)