Yasmina Kattou 06h14, May 03, 2022

Firefighters can now deliver painkillers or perform acts that were until now reserved only for caregivers.

For a week and the publication of the decree "relating to acts of emergency care falling within the competence of firefighters", firefighters are authorized to perform twelve technical gestures in total.

Time saved which will be invaluable in saving lives.

Firefighters can now measure blood pressure, or even blood sugar.

Acts that were previously reserved for caregivers.

In emergency situations, with the agreement of a doctor, they are authorized to perform an electrocardiogram or administer a dose of adrenaline.

Gestures that will save more lives, welcomes Norbert Berginiat, chief medical officer of the firefighters in the Channel.

"These gestures allow a faster diagnosis, this diagnosis will make it possible to orient patients much more quickly in the care sector. The sooner these drugs are prescribed, the sooner the person will have a chance of being saved", details he.

Prescription of painkillers

To be saved and to avoid suffering.

Thanks to this decree Éric Flores, vice-president of the National Federation of Firefighters of France, will be able to deliver painkillers.


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"When we transported the fractures, people were in our ambulances and had one-hour transfers, sometimes in the hinterland to go to the hospital. And there with these new gestures they will be able to have treatment of pain and being transported in a serene way. This is already a very good step forward!”, he enthuses, relieved.

To carry out all these actions, the firefighters will be trained by doctors, nurses and pharmacists from the various SDIS departments.