Weapon platforms are "networked" and attacks on other countries are "normalized"

  US government network "black hand" scourges the world (hot conversation)

  China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center recently issued an early warning on the U.S. government's cyberattacks against various countries and released relevant reports, exposing the "lightweight" cyberweapons dedicated to the U.S. government, as well as the U.S. deployment of cyberattack platforms around the world, and its deployment in France, Set up multi-layer springboard servers and VPN tunnels in Germany, Canada, Turkey, Malaysia, etc.

Prior to this, 360 Group companies successively released reports related to the US National Security Agency (NSA) cyber attacks on the world and China, revealing that the US cyber attack activities are normalized and the potential threat is growing.

What harm has the hegemony of the United States in the field of cybersecurity brought to global cybersecurity?

The newspaper invited 3 experts to conduct in-depth interpretation.

  What position does the United States pursue in the field of cybersecurity?

  The report of China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center pointed out that the global Internet and critical information infrastructure around the world have become "intelligence stations" for US intelligence agencies.

The backbone network equipment of the existing Internet and important information infrastructure around the world, as long as the hardware, operating system and application software provided by American Internet companies are included, it is very likely to contain zero-day vulnerabilities or various backdoor programs, and become the United States. When intelligence agencies attack and steal targets, all activities and data stored on the global Internet will be "truthfully" displayed in front of US intelligence agencies, which will become "handles", "materials" and opportunities for them to attack and destroy global targets.

  Shen Yi: The United States is a typical cyber hegemonic country.

Its core feature is to seek to establish a cyberspace action order in global cyberspace that is centered on the United States, aims to ensure absolute security of the United States, and allows the United States and its core allies to enjoy asymmetric freedom of action at the expense of the security of other countries.

This kind of goal constitutes the most direct and severe challenge and threat to the security, stability and benign order of global cyberspace.

  Chen Xulong: The United States seeks an absolute dominant position in the field of cybersecurity, regards cybersecurity as an important part of the U.S. national security strategy, and seizes the commanding heights of global cyberspace from the legal, technical and resource levels.

The United States is also striving to build a system of international allies in cyber security, and can be called the hegemon in the field of cyber security.

The United States is recognized by the world as a "matrix empire" and a "big secret stealer".

It is worth noting that the United States regards the field of cybersecurity as an important stage and frontier for great power competition, which is offensive.

The United States is rich in cyber weapons, with sufficient "ammunition", and it has been renovated with the improvement of the level of intelligence.

With these invincible cyber weapons, U.S. intelligence agencies can indiscriminately attack, control, and spy on high-value targets around the world, turning the Internet into a U.S. surveillance network, stealing network, and attack network to some extent.

  Wang Peng: In cyberspace, the United States is in a hegemonic position and strives to maintain a hegemonic system.

In the discourse involving cyberspace, the United States has deliberately switched and secretly switched concepts between "cyber hegemony" and "cyber security" for a long time.

Cyber ​​hegemony is a kind of power that is exclusive, unilateral, and offensive; cyber security belongs to the category of rights and is a legitimate requirement for every country to defend its own sovereignty, national security, and people's security.

With the advantages of technology, capital, and talent accumulated over a long period of time in the cyber field, the United States has attacked other countries by reducing dimensionality.

In the international community, there are only a handful of major powers that have the strength to counter the United States and pose a substantial threat to its cybersecurity.

Therefore, on the premise that its own network is generally relatively secure, the United States can use its advantages in "hard technology" to arbitrarily intrude into other countries' networks, remotely control, steal data, and destroy facilities, in order to seek political, military, diplomatic, and economic benefits. At the same time, it uses the advantages of "soft technology", such as Facebook, Twitter and other social media, to influence the public opinion and election situation of the target country, and even incite public opinion and subvert the regime, so as to realize the duality of its own global physical space and cyberspace. At the same time, they are often framed and blamed on others, accusing other countries of “cyber theft” and “trample on network order”, etc.

  What are the characteristics of cyber attacks in the United States?

  The report of China's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center pointed out that the targets of hacker attacks and cyber espionage activities of the US Central Intelligence Agency involve governments, political parties, NGOs, international organizations and important military forces around the world such as Russia, Iran, China, Japan, and South Korea. Targets, politicians, public figures, celebrities and technical experts of various countries, educational, scientific research, communication, medical institutions, stealing a large number of secret information of the victim country, gaining control over the important information infrastructure of the victim country, and mastering a large number of individual citizens from all over the world Privacy, in the service of American hegemony.

  Chen Xulong: Judging from the information that has been continuously exposed, the US cyberattacks have the following characteristics: First, state behaviors are carried out with a purpose, a plan, a focus, and an organization. The scale, depth, and intensity of the attacks are incomparable. The second is normalization. With the implementation of its "defense frontier" strategy, cyberspace attacks are more active and frequent; the third is diversification. The objects, targets and methods of US cyber attacks are diverse; fourth It is systematic. The United States has built a systematic network attack platform and a standardized attack equipment library, focusing on the three major systems of cyberspace security active defense system, cyberspace attack support system, and cyberspace attack equipment system. Reform and development have built a complete cyber warfare weapon system; the fifth is militarization. The United States has established a cyber command, the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force have cyber forces, and a "cyber special force" has also been formed.

It is reported that the United States currently has a total of 133 cyber combat units, with a size of about 6,200 people, and will have combat capabilities in 2020; the sixth is the formation of front lines. The United States relies on its alliance system and signs a "Cyber ​​Deterrence Initiative" with its allies to support each other. Response to a cyber attack.

  Wang Peng: U.S. cyber attacks have obvious characteristics: large-scale, large-scale and high-intensity attacks on large commercial or military terminals and equipment at the same time; stealth, in "peacetime" (as opposed to wartime), the use of "small" Tricks” and “lightweight” means to strengthen penetration and destruction, make people accustomed to it, and have higher secrecy; targeted, in addition to large-scale attacks, the United States also has the technical conditions to carry out cyberspace targets of specific countries or organizations. Precise strikes to achieve point-to-surface combination.

Taking the exposed "Hive" platform as an example, it is a "lightweight" network weapon. Its tactical purpose is to establish a hidden foothold in the target network, secretly and directionally deliver malicious code programs, and use this platform to target various malicious code programs. Carry out background control to create conditions for subsequent continuous delivery of "heavy" weapons to carry out network attacks.

Using this weapon platform, the CIA customizes malicious code programs adapted to various operating systems according to the characteristics of the attack target, attacks and invades the border routers and internal hosts of the victim's information system, and implants various Trojan horses and backdoors. In this way, remote control can be realized, and indiscriminate network attacks can be carried out on information systems on a global scale.

  Shen Yi: Using the U.S.’s own classification, U.S. operations in cyberspace include cyber attack, cyber defense, and cyber exploitation.

The monitoring of cyberspace belongs to the use of the network, and intelligence is collected by means of the network; the cyberattack is a classic and typical one, the "Stuxnet" attack on the industrial control system of Iran's uranium enrichment project, which can be physically attacked. Damage the target.

When the U.S. engages in cyber exploitation and cyber attacks, it has no borders, no bottom lines, and does not even follow some behavioral norms advocated by itself, exposing the entire world, including some of its allies, such as Germany, to the threat of U.S. cyber attacks .

  Why does the United States keep pouring "dirty water" on China?

  In an interview with the host of "60 Minutes" recently, FBI Director Christopher Wray repeated his old tune, claiming that the current scale of espionage and cybersecurity threats from China is "unprecedented."

Smearing China and exaggerating the "China threat" in terms of network security has become a routine operation of the United States.

On February 1, the Associated Press reported that in a speech at the Reagan Presidential Library, Christopher Wray claimed that China's threat to the West was "more unscrupulous" and "more destructive" than ever before.

On April 8, the U.S. government and companies publicly spread false news about Chinese hacking attacks.

  Shen Yi: For a long time, the United States has pursued absolute security in cyberspace and taken actions with obvious double standards.

The United States itself is one of the most important sources of cyber attacks in the world, but it keeps making unwarranted accusations against China. This is the most typical "double standard".

U.S. politicians hope to use the so-called "name and shaming" method to build a negative perception of China and cover up the fact that the United States is threatening global cybersecurity.

At the same time, for American politicians, blaming and criticizing China has become the easiest option to cover up their incompetence and seek personal political capital.

  Chen Xulong: The United States has carried out cyber attacks on China all year round, stealing massive amounts of personal data, infringing on the rights and interests of Chinese citizens, seriously endangering China's national security, critical infrastructure security, and commercial and technical secrets. The bilateral consensus on cyber security reached by China and the United States in 2015 has seriously affected the mutual trust between China and the United States in cyberspace.

At the same time, in order to suppress the "number one strategic competitor", the United States has hyped up various "China threat theories" internationally, including the "China cyber threat theory". Focus on smearing and suppressing; the second is to consolidate domestic strength in order to enhance its own network strength; the third is to win over allies in order to "encircle and suppress" China.

  Wang Peng: This kind of practice in the United States is a typical "thief shouting to catch a thief".

The United States continues to violate the legitimate rights and interests of other countries, but accuses China of "threat", which is a typical example of "only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light lamps."

For example, when China strengthens cyber defenses, the United States attacks China's so-called "order" in disrupting cyberspace, accusing the Chinese government of violating "human rights" such as the people's right to information and the right to know.

  How to deal with the serious threat that the United States poses to the world's cybersecurity?

  In 2004, the United Nations General Assembly established the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on Information Security (UNGGE) for the first time, aiming to promote the construction of international network norms based on sovereign states.

In 2013, the UNGGE report made it clear that existing international norms such as international law, the UN Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights apply to the digital sphere, and that concepts such as state sovereignty, human rights, and inter-state interactions apply to cyberspace.

In 2018, the UN General Assembly also passed a resolution to establish an Open Working Group (OEWG) to conduct in-depth discussions on cyber information security issues.

Currently, OEWG and UNGGE are listed as independent consultation mechanisms for cyberspace governance under the auspices of the United Nations.

  Wang Peng: Cyberspace is a global public tool, not a private land or colony of the United States.

The international community has the right to demand a fair, lawful and safe use of cyberspace.

U.S. hegemony is not only politically and morally unjust, but in fact reduces the efficiency of global network technology and economic development.

To deal with the US threat, all countries need to make efforts in the following aspects: strengthen the top-level design of information security, advocate common security in cyberspace, and oppose cyber hegemony; strive to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, and the financial shortcomings of China and the vast number of emerging countries have been greatly compensated. There are more late-mover advantages in the market, but there is still a certain gap with the United States in terms of technology; strengthen international cooperation in cyberspace and the "united front against hegemony".

All emerging and developing countries, including developed countries that are unwilling to continue to be monitored by their allies, need to strengthen policy coordination, talent training, technical exchanges, information exchange, and market integration, so as to form synergies and work together to break the US's influence on the Internet. The monopoly of key technologies and fields promotes the democratization of international cyberspace.

  Shen Yi: The United States, which is constantly seeking to consolidate and expand cyber hegemony, poses a threat and challenge to the cyber security of countries other than the United States and its core allies around the world that must be faced together.

From the perspective of coping with threats and challenges from the United States, each country first needs to continuously strengthen its own cybersecurity capabilities and cyber deterrence capabilities; secondly, it is necessary to develop healthy competition in the fields of industry and technology to achieve healthy development and enhance technological strength; thirdly We must rely on a genuine multilateral platform with the United Nations at its core.

China, responsible emerging powers, and developing countries should work together to promote benign changes in the global cyberspace governance order, so as to achieve effective hedging and checks on cyber hegemony.

  Chen Xulong: Facts have repeatedly proved that the United States is the biggest black hand in global cyber attacks and the biggest threat to global cyber security.

All countries must firmly oppose cyber hegemony, and jointly expose and resist the US actions that endanger global cyber security and undermine international rules.

All countries should continuously enhance their comprehensive strength in maintaining cyber security, strengthen bilateral, multilateral and global governance cooperation, safeguard the fairness and justice of cyber sovereignty and cyber commons of all countries, and formulate international rules for cyberspace that are generally accepted by all countries based on the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. , to advance global cybersecurity governance.

  Zhang Hong