Mélanie Faure 8:24 p.m., May 01, 2022

Marine Le Pen has called on her voters to mobilize as the legislative elections approach on this day of May 1st.

The leader of the National Rally, in third position in the presidential election, wants to block the re-elected president, Emmanuel Macron, invoking the issue of purchasing power. 

Marine Le Pen addressed her constituents on Labor Day.

The leader of the National Rally recorded a video message on this May 1 and the approach of the legislative elections.

For Marine Le Pen, the watchword is to block Emmanuel Macron, re-elected on April 24.

"You will have the choice between deputies subject to Emmanuel Macron who will blindly pass all these decisions without counter-powers and deputies who support my project and values ​​​​for France without deputies", she pleaded.

She continues: "To support him, Emmanuel Macron will be powerless to apply his harmful project for France and his unfair choices for the French, with a maximum of deputies who will support me in Parliament. I will be able to protect your purchasing power. and to take measures that finally recognize the work at its fair value."

The challenge of Jean-Luc Mélenchon

For Jérôme Sainte-Marie, political scientist and president of the Pollingvox Institute, Emmanuel Macron is in the grip of a "strategic hesitation".

"It's a hesitation that is due to political communication, support in terms of the image of the policy he is going to follow, he confides at the microphone of Europe 1. I do not believe for a second that he has a hesitation on the substance of the policy he is going to pursue.

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Is the way paved for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who covets the post of Prime Minister after winning 21.95% of the vote in the first round of the presidential election?

For now, nothing is certain.

“Only 37% of French people want Jean-Luc Mélenchon to become Prime Minister. He is in a very small minority in the country. - deux-tours, has dug a very important gap between him and the popular categories.