What are the advantages of soybeans?

What are its main benefits?

What are the downsides to taking it?

Does it have hormonal effects?

Does it affect patients with gout and allergies?

Rich source of protein

The German Federal Center for Nutrition explained that soybeans are a rich source of protein, as dried soybeans contain protein by about 40%, noting that ready-to-eat soy products contain protein by 11%.

For this reason, soybeans are an essential component of a vegetarian diet, as they are a good alternative to animal protein.

The center added that soybeans are also rich in vitamin "B" (B), minerals such as iron and magnesium, and unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3.

hormonal effect

For his part, Dr. Stefan Kabisch explained that soybeans contain substances that may have a negative effect on health for some people, such as isoflavones, which have an effect similar to the female sex hormone estrogen.

For this reason, it is suspected of "having a hormonal stimulant effect."

So people with hormonal conditions, such as breast cancer, should beware of soy.

The German endocrinologist and metabolic medicine specialist added that "isoflavones" can also disrupt a certain enzyme in the thyroid gland, which leads to thyroid dysfunction.

Gout and allergy

Gout patients should also beware of soybeans, as they contain purine, a substance that is converted in the body into uric acid, which exacerbates gout problems.

In addition, patients allergic to birch pollen should be careful, as they are usually also allergic to soybeans in what is known as "cross-sensitivity", due to the similarity of allergens in both.

In general, healthy people should eat soy in moderation, while it should be avoided for infants, young children, and pregnant and lactating women.