In Ukraine, an elderly man nearly died after receiving milk from a Russian soldier.

It's an ordinary-looking milk carton, with an unknown thread hanging from the lid.

According to local Ukrainian media, an elderly woman in Kherson, southern Ukraine, recently received milk from Russian soldiers.

Her grandmother said she thought she would give out food as a humanitarian consideration.

She opened the lid carefully, however, suspicious that the lid did not close properly, and within it she found a slender wire connected to a booby trap.

Enlarging an image

If the milk had been dropped or the lid had been opened without any doubt, something terrible could have happened.

Russian soldiers are said to have made bombs with Ukrainian products to give residents peace of mind.

When the incident became known, Kiiwu Police issued a warning to 'do not touch objects that have not been verified by experts'.

Meanwhile, earlier this month, there were testimonies that the Russian military had installed thousands of land mines and booby traps to kill civilians.

(Photo source: Twitter)