There are a number of serious deviations that appear in the decision Ivo made to require more care places at Sundsvall Hospital.

Below are some of the discrepancies that may be related to overcrowding or outpatients during the period January 2021 to November 2021. Some of the points have emerged in IVO's conversations with staff during their inspection this year.

- It is both unreasonable and unethical.

These are very serious incidents we have become aware of, says Marie Åberg at the Swedish Health and Care Inspectorate about what has emerged.

Medical Clinic: 

• The patient has to wait six hours for antibiotics for suspected meningitis because the staff did not have time.

Relatives of the deceased are forced to leave quickly because the place is needed.

• Patient ended up in the corridor but staff forgot to report to the reception department

• Covids infected are cared for in the corridor for several days

Surgery Clinic:

• Medical patient is admitted to the surgeon but the staff does not have access to medical records to read prescriptions and document

• Hematologist patient is cared for by staff who have not received information and lacked knowledge of routines for chemotherapy

• Patient had to wait for chair while waiting for free bed

The emergency room:

• Patients lie in a trolley for 10-15 hours without food and supervision.

Applies to old and fragile patients, among others

• The patient who was to be admitted had to wait until the next day to come to the ward


• 80-year-old patient was transferred to the pediatric ward and another patient to psychiatry, to "distribute the overcrowding"

• Patients with atrial fibrillation are said to have ended up in orthopedics.

• Scheduled all the time for overtime work