On Thursday, the Bundestag approved the abolition of the EEG levy on the electricity bill from July.

The parliamentary state secretary in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Oliver Krischer (Greens), spoke of the greatest reduction in electricity prices in recent decades for people in Germany.

The traffic light coalition is taking the decisive step towards lowering electricity prices.

The CDU MP Anne König said that the abolition of the levy was a first step in the right direction, but more had to follow quickly.

Because presumably the reduction in the case of further price increases by the end of the year will at best be a zero-sum game for consumers.

So far, the levy on the electricity bill has been 3.72 cents per kilowatt hour.

It had already been reduced at the beginning of the year with the help of grants from the federal budget.

In the coalition agreement, the end of the surcharge was actually planned for 2023, but the government preferred this because of the rapidly increasing energy costs.

DGB board member Stefan Körzell spoke of good news for more distributive justice.

“But the current energy price crisis is paralyzing economic development and fueling energy poverty.

For many, the elimination of the surcharge is just a drop in the bucket, especially for low-income earners.” The DGB calls for a special fund for the socio-ecological transformation, so that these future tasks and investments are solidly counter-financed.