A small company in Gothenburg, with big plans for new small nuclear power plants.

SMR technology with smaller mass-produced reactors, is believed to provide lower prices and faster construction times:

- They're like prefab houses.

They are manufactured in modules at the factory according to the assembly line principle, it will be cheaper, says John Ahlberg, one of the founders of the Gothenburg company Kärnfull.

They already have a company that sells electricity to household customers.

Only nuclear power.

Now they want to sell small nuclear reactors.

It seems far left to agreements or formal deals.

But with the company's own optimistic definition, there is already interest from several companies and municipalities that deal with up to 15 small reactors.

Cost argument against

- The interest is great.

In the past, nuclear power required investments that almost only states can handle.

Smaller reactors can also be afforded by municipalities and companies, says Christian Sjölander, the other founder of the company.

As the price of solar and wind power has dropped dramatically, the cost has increasingly become the main argument against new nuclear power.

SMR is not in operation in reality today.

All talk about price is based on theoretical calculations.

A new report from Swedish Energiforsk believes that onshore wind power is the cheapest to build, about 32 öre / kWh.

And new nuclear power in series production would provide electricity costs on a par with offshore wind power: 55-60 öre / kWh. 

- Our calculations say that it will be competitive against offshore wind power, says John Ahlberg.

Secretly who showed interest

Kärnfull has a collaboration agreement with GE Hitachi, which has also received an order for six reactors from Canada.

And they have financing in the back from a fund that belongs to the owner of the oil company Preem, the billionaire Mohammed Al-Amoudi.

How much they invested, however, is secret.

Which customers have shown interest is also secret.

SVT has spoken to politicians in a bourgeois-controlled municipality who talked about the possibility of an SMR when their district heating plant retires in just over ten years.

- but they have neither anchored the idea in the municipal council nor in the municipal residents yet. 

And today, nuclear power can only be found at the three sites that already have reactors in operation.

The Gothenburg company wants to see a change in the law.

- We need all the fossil-free electricity we can get, says Christer Sjölander.