Europe 1 SEASON 2021 - 202206:00 a.m., April 26, 2022

Subscription fees, membership fees, payment fees, management fees or arbitration fees, many fees are deducted from your life insurance.

A shortfall that is all the more penalizing as the return on your fund in euros continues to fall.

How can these costs be limited?

Can you negotiate them with your insurer?

Should you favor less “loaded” Internet contracts?

Jean-Philippe Dubosc discusses all these questions with Cyrille Chartier-Kastler, president and founder of the insurance prescriber Good Value for Money.

"All about your money" is a Europe 1 podcast produced in partnership with

Presentation: Jean-Philippe Dubosc

Director: Victor Naulleau

Producer: Marc O. Grünfeld

Graphics: Jérémi Cousin